HANG: IMDB script locks up!!!

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HANG: IMDB script locks up!!!

Post by Guest »

run imdb larg pic on : Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2000)

and you get a few errors, then a small dialog box "<b class="ch">Certification: </b>" with OK.. clicking OK doesn't do anything.. at this point.. ANT movie catalog is STUCK..

can't stop script, etc. only way out is task manager and kill process.. all updates are lost of course..
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Post by antp »

There message come because I forgot to remove a line when testing the script.
It is the line "ShowMessage(Line);" that you can delete.
And the infinite loop is a bug :D
(it can be stopped, just hold down the Esc key to discard the message, and click the Stop icon)
It is easy to correct :
Few lines after that showMessage line that you removed, you'll find this :

Code: Select all

      until (Pos('Runtime',Line) > 0) or (Pos('MPAA',Line) > 0 ) or (Pos('Country', Line) > 0);
Change it to :

Code: Select all

      until (Pos('Runtime',Line) > 0) or (Pos('MPAA',Line) > 0 ) or (Pos('Country', Line) > 0) or (Pos('Certification', Line) > 0);
I should correct that in a more elegant way that adding an item to this "until" line each time that somebody finds another movie that produces an infinite loop :/

Post by Guest »

thnx , it works.
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