More suggestions

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More suggestions

Post by Guest »

First I would like to say that I have been using divx manager till now and I am considering to move to your program.
I have to admit your's run much faster and looks better (I guess Delphi rulez VB ...)

You might want to add:

1)Mass import from the internet
2)Sorting the movie list by all the params (not grouping)
3)my media labels are as follows : 1,2,3, ..., 10, 11, .... 101, 102, ....
when exporting it puts 10 and 11 and so on before 2.
4)why is the rating rounded ??

There are probably more but its enough for now ... ;-)

Well Done !!

(Try having tucows post your app like divx manager)
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Post by antp »

He he, yes usually Delphi is faster than VB :D

1. It is in the program. Just select all the movies that you want to import information from (it is better to have already the original title field filled), then do Tools -> Scripting, and select one of the IMDB scripts.

2. I'll probably add an option to select which columns to display, so maybe also more sorting options, I'll see.

3. That's not so easy to manage... Why do not you use movie number instead of label ? I may see if I can easily add an option "consider that field is a number" or something like that...

4. In the first version it was a rating from 0 to 4 stars (Allociné-like rating). I changed to 0-10 since it was more logical, and because I thought it was enough. I am not sure that I will change that, depends if lots of people want it.

Post by Guest »

Instead of making a new topic with new suggestions I will just continue this one.

Would it be possible to allow editing of more than one movie at a time. I'm thinking of something like marking more than one movie at left side and then editing fields like Category for all of the marked movies. When saving afterwards it should only save the edited fields, so that the other fields like Title and Director doesn't get identical.

When checkboxes is activated I would like to use Spacebar to mark/unmark each movie like it does with the other checkboxes in for instance the preferences.

By the way I think that the 0 - 10 rating is enough.
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Post by antp »

For the multiple movie editing, I think I will not add that, it is too difficult to manage. But you can easily get the result that you want :
Select several movies, go to Tools -> Scripting, clic "Editor", "New", then enter between the begin/end :
SetField(fieldCategory, 'new category');
Click Run and it will set the category of selected movies.
I know it is a little more difficult, but I think it is not a function that is so often used...

For the check/uncheck with space, I will add that in next version or maybe next update of the current version.

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the quick answer. The workaround using scripting will work fine for me.

Another little thing. When using the search feature and marking "Display results" I would find it more logical if it showed all the movies instead of none when I haven't typed anything in the searchfield yet. That way it always reduces the number of movies shown when you get more specific with the search values.
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Post by antp »

yes it is a little strange, but I leaved that this way to not have to do a special thing in the case of an empty field :/
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