Help With Picture Location

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Help With Picture Location

Post by Ant316 »

I have moved computers and have made a little mess of my catalogue. I have a folder called "Movie Collection" inside this I have my Catalogue files.
I have the My Movie Collection.amc file (The Main File) and then a folder called My Movie Collection.amc_pics (The coverart pics)

The problem is the location of some of my Cover art are in the "....._pics" folder and some are not. The ones that are not are located in the "Movie collection folder" beside the ".....amc" file and the "...._pics" folder.

Is there a way I can get all my images inside the "...._pics" folder so they are all organised in the one place?

My goal is the have the "Movie Collection" folder and inside it have the main "....amc" file and the "...._pics" folder.

I have tried to paste them in but they don't appear when catalogue is open only the current ones I'm adding do and these appear in the pics folder with no issue.

My picture settings are all set to "Copy picture to pictures folder of catalog, and link it to catalog".

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Re: Help With Picture Location

Post by antp »

In Tools -> Manage Pictures you have various options for handling pictures.
For this case I'm not sure it will really help much as all are already stored locally; it is just two different "local" link styles.
Maybe you could try to save your catalog to XML format, and then using search/replace in the XML document insert the picture subfolder on entries that do not have it yet (and move the files manually).
Posts: 49
Joined: 2015-01-08 11:33:55

Re: Help With Picture Location

Post by Ant316 »

antp wrote: 2019-02-28 17:17:12 In Tools -> Manage Pictures you have various options for handling pictures.
For this case I'm not sure it will really help much as all are already stored locally; it is just two different "local" link styles.
Maybe you could try to save your catalog to XML format, and then using search/replace in the XML document insert the picture subfolder on entries that do not have it yet (and move the files manually).
Thanks Antp
I got it sorted. I went opened Catalog and went to Tools>Manage pictures and selected "Copy picture to pictures folder of catalog, and link it to catalog".
I then saved all to a new folder as xml format. This give me what I wanted but in xml. so to get back to (4.2).amc I opened the catalog again in xml format did same setting (went to Tools>Manage pictures and selected "Copy picture to pictures folder of catalog) and saved in new folder in the (4.2).amc format and it worked a treat.

It keeps all organised I think.
Great programme.
Thanks again
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