using script 4.013
I cannot download number of votes (see images below)
IMDB - cannot import number of votes
Re: IMDB - cannot import number of votes
I have a few other bugs in the IMDb script to check, I'll try to do that some day...
(but if someone else has time, don't hesitate)
(but if someone else has time, don't hesitate)
Re: IMDB - cannot import number of votes
You must change this line
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a href="ratings" class="tn15more">', '</a>');
to this onein the section
Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a href="ratings" class="tn15more">', '</a>');
to this one
Code: Select all
Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'total-votes">(', ')<');
Code: Select all
if GetOption('UserRatings') > 0 then
Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'total-votes">(', ')<');
// Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<a href="ratings" class="tn15more">', '</a>');
if Value <> '' then
Value := 'User Rating: ' + GetField(fieldRating) + ' out of 10 (with ' + Value + ')';
if (GetOption('UserRatings') = 1) and (Value <> '') and (CanSetField(fieldMediaType)) then
SetField(fieldMediaType, Value);
if (GetOption('UserRatings') = 2) and (Value <> '') then
SetField(fieldComments, GetField(fieldComments) + #13#10 + #13#10 + Value);
Re: IMDB - cannot import number of votes
Thanks, I updated the script as version 4.014