Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
My suggestions center around making the program more friendly as a front end for a movie player for DivX movie files stored on a hard drive, not CDs.
Things that would make this easier:
Store the full path name of the movie file (when using Get Information from a File)
Have an easy way to play the movie file
Allow a script to be entered -- to be executed when the movie is played (this would allow it to support many players)
Also allow this info to be exported to the HTML to provide an alternate way to view the available moves and launch the viewer.
Check out "script & templates" section topic: Template to view movie info by category. You can launch divx movies right from the exported html! Unfortunatly you can only watch movies from cd i think.