out of memory error when exporting to XML

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out of memory error when exporting to XML

Post by J »

hi all,

when I try to export my catalog (2200 movies with pictures; around 1GB in memory) to XML with pictures, I always get an 'out of memory' error after a couple of seconds.
(I'm working with 4GB RAM which old XP cuts to 3,2GB. However, there is about 2GB of free memory. I guess this should be enough memory for XML-export.)

Exporting just around 1500 movies works fine (AMC memory usage grows up to 1.6GB) as long as I got no out of memory error before.
When I export 2000 movies, memory usage grows to more than 2GB before it breaks with the error. It looks like it's a too less free memory problem.

Unfortunately after the error, I can't XML-export more than 300 movies at once without the error or have to restart AMC.

So just to be sure, is there a memory or other restriction (XP?) for XML-export or is it really just insufficient RAM?

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Post by antp »

Do you mean that yout catalog is a 1 GB .amc file? That's a little a lot.
It would probably be wiser (and faster) to store pictures as external files instead of storing them inside the catalog.
This should be doable via Tools -> Manage Pictures.
If it does not work due to memory problems similar as the export, you can do that in several times, only on a subset of the list.
Also, once the pictures are stored as linked external file, you could then directly use .xml instead of .amc
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Post by J »

yes, the .amc catalog file on disk is 967MB and in memory AMC uses 1,05GB RAM.
The catalog contains around 10k pictures (extras included) and I didn't want to have so many files in my directory, so I decided, besides other reasons, to include the pictures. Working with the catalog is quite fast, only loading/saving the catalog needs some time.

To use the catalog with elmans android app, I then tried to export as XML and got the error.
Anyway, when I SAVE the catalog as XML, which seems to get the same result, it works fine with all movies at once and is much faster. Looks like it's a little different method as against to export as XML.

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Post by antp »

I'm not sure what is the difference between save & export xml; I guess it is something that was added or modified by soulsnake.
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Post by soulsnake »


When you export your catalog to XML, you need more memory space (2x your catalog size) because AMC create a copy of your catalog before to save this copy. AMC need to create a copy because the result catalog is a new catalog (current catalog doesn't change) and can be different (selected movies for export, picture storing, ...).
We you save you current catalog to XML, modifications are applied directly to current catalog, so no extra memory is needed.

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Post by J »

alright, thanks for the info. saving works fine, so I can stay on XP ;)
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Post by Ant316 »

What size are your images that you use and another thing do they good quality (text readable) on both the desktop and in the Android amc reader app?

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