Unable to import starting movie list CSV/Excel

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Unable to import starting movie list CSV/Excel

Post by linkup »

Hello, attempting to become an ANT user and am stymied at every turn.

I have 6000 movies in an Excel spreadsheet with a lot of information about each movie I have collected over the years.

I started with a lot of columns of information I thought I could transfer, like IMDB number, but ended up whittling 20 columns of data down to two, movie name and year.

I get it to import all the records, it says it has saved 6403 records. Then I look at the list of titles and I just see a symbol there, and the whole record is blank other than date added.

Have done extensive searching for a solution to the problem and am coming up blank.

Also, what I tried to find to begin with was something that would give me a list of field names. I could have made my column headers match the desired and expected names.

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Post by antp »

When you are in File -> Import -> CSV, it shows a preview of the file contents, where you can match the columns: click on column headers to assign them to AMC fields.
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Post by linkup »

Thanks, but I got past that point. Now after they have been processed, after it says the 6000 records were processed, the left pane where they should be listed all show a graphic character, single character, where the name would be. And as I said, the record exists, but with no name, no content...

After a lot of false starts, I got to the import step, got the program to see my data, see my headers, properly assign them to the right category, i.e. title, year, and then imported....

Sorry if it wasn't clear the status I was in..

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Post by antp »

And all was fine in the preview import window?
Can you send the CSV file (or a sample causing the problem)?
As zip file it shouldn't be very big; you can send it to me via http://ks3.antp.be/upload.php
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Post by linkup »

I have sent you a screen shot showing the input was clearly recognized as a column of titles and years. It is amazing to me that it can properly recognize the data, tell me it has digest all 6000 lines of data, and then give me garbage, as you also will see in the screen print.

I went to the trouble of taking the Excel CSV file and "sanitizing"it by sending it through notepad+, and then resaving the data for import.

None of the tricks I know have worked.
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Post by antp »

I see your screenshot,
- the strange character that you mention is actually the color+checkbox indicator of each movie (right click on a movie entry to chose its color, simple click on that box to check/uncheck it)
- you chose "Title (extra)" for the title instead of "original title" or "translated title"; that may explain the problem: this field is the title for the "extras" items of a movie, these extras are additional images, actor info, etc. that come in the "Extras" tab of the main window fields.
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