Hi, I have a 2x questions about the XBMC .nfo Export script.
a) Why is it asking me the location where to save the .nfo once I run the script against the movies? I would expect this to be store in the very same location where the media is found
b) It seems like the <id> is not exported. Given I have the IMDB URL in the "URL" field it should (so I've seen it doing with other softwares) export the ttxxxxxx of reference
e.g. if the URL was: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0499603/
This should be added to the .nfo
XBMC .nfo Export - question
Ok I have made some progression in my personal setup.
This modified version of the script add the URL files at the end (as per NFO standard) and just saves the .nfo in the same folder where the media is located which works well for my needs.
Can I get some help on how I can also add the <id></id> filling this in with the ttxxxxxxx reference as per IMDB (e.g. URL)?
I'm stuck at this point
This modified version of the script add the URL files at the end (as per NFO standard) and just saves the .nfo in the same folder where the media is located which works well for my needs.
Can I get some help on how I can also add the <id></id> filling this in with the ttxxxxxxx reference as per IMDB (e.g. URL)?
I'm stuck at this point
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program _XBMCNfo;
MovieActors: string;
MovieGenre: string;
SavefileName: string;
DirSelected: string;
FormatedData: string;
OutToFile: TStringList;
function ActorsToXml(actors: string): string;
lstActor: TStringList;
iActor: Integer;
sActor: string;
fullPathFile, fullPathLink: string;
fieldIdxUrl, fieldIdxFullPath: Integer;
lstActor := TStringList.Create;
lstActor.Text := StringReplace(actors, ', ', #13#10);
for iActor := 0 to lstActor.Count - iActor do
sActor := ' <actor>' + #13#10 + ' <name>' + lstActor.GetString(iActor) + '</name>' + #13#10 +' </actor>';
if lstActor.GetString(iActor) <> #13#10 then lstActor.SetString(iActor, sActor);
Result := lstActor.Text;
function GenreToXML(genre: string): string;
lstGenre: TStringList;
iGenre: Integer;
sGenre: string;
lstGenre := TStringList.Create;
lstGenre.Text := StringReplace(genre, ', ', #13#10);
for iGenre := 0 to lstGenre.Count -iGenre do
sGenre := ' <genre>' + lstGenre.GetString(iGenre) + '</genre>';
lstGenre.SetString(iGenre, sGenre);
Result := lstGenre.Text;
function ChooseTitle(Original: string; Translated: string): string;
if Translated <> '' then Result := Translated else Result := Original
// if DirSelected ='' then
// begin
// Input('Folder Select','Select Folder to save NFO files',DirSelected)
// end;
// fieldIdxFullPath := fieldSource;
// DirSelected := GetFieldOrCustomField(fieldIdxFullPath);
OutToFile := TStringList.Create;
// SaveFileName := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(DirSelected) + GetField(fieldOriginalTitle) + '.nfo';
SaveFileName := GetField(fieldSource) + '.nfo';
FormatedData := FormatedData +'<movie>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <title>'+ ChooseTitle(GetField(fieldOriginalTitle), GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle)) + '</title>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <rating>'+GetField(fieldRating)+'</rating>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <year>'+GetField(fieldYear)+'</year>'+#13#10;
(* FormatedData := FormatedData +' <top250>'+GetFeild(fieldWhatever)+'</top250>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <votes>'+GetField(fieldWhatever)+'</votes>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <outline>'+GetField(Whatever)+'</outline>'+#13#10; *)
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <plot>'+GetField(fieldDescription)+'</plot>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <tagline>'+GetField(fieldComments)+'</tagline>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <runtime>'+GetField(fieldLength)+'min</runtime>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <thumb>'+GetField(fieldOriginalTitle)+'.tbn</thumb>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <mpaa>X</mpaa>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <director>'+GetField(fieldDirector)+'</director>'+#13#10;
FormatedData := FormatedData +' <studio>'+GetField(fieldProducer)+'</studio>' + #13#10;
(* Run Actor Script here*)
MovieActors := ActorsToXML(GetField(fieldActors));
MovieGenre := GenreToXML(GetField(fieldCategory));
OutToFile.Append(UTF8Encode(FormatedData + MovieGenre + MovieActors + '</movie>' + #13#10 + GetField(fieldUrl)));
FormatedData := ''
So you have in the URL field all the full IMDb links, and you want to keep only what's after "tt" ? Assuming that the address ends by a "/" after the number, under the series of FormatedData lines you may add this:
Also to have the TextBetween function you'll have to add StringUtils1 in the uses: and the beginning, change use FieldsUtils; to use FieldUtils, StringUtils1;
If you wish to keep the "tt" in the number, rather use TextBetween(GetField(fieldUrl), 'title/', '/') for example
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FormatedData := FormatedData +' <id>' + TextBetween(GetField(fieldUrl), 'tt', '/') + '</id>'+#13#10;
If you wish to keep the "tt" in the number, rather use TextBetween(GetField(fieldUrl), 'title/', '/') for example
Great, definitely give it a go tonight in my tests :-)
One more question please, the original script (as well as the modified version I posted) has problem with special characters.
is exported as:
Is there any smart work-around to retain the original special characters?
I do see the :
line but it doesn't seem to be enough to address the issue.
One more question please, the original script (as well as the modified version I posted) has problem with special characters.
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20,13 - Purgatório
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20,13 Purgat├│rio
I do see the :
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