I want to keep all my movie series together when ordering. I order them alphabetically, and I would like sequels to appear directly after the first movie in the series. For example, I want all the James Bond movies to appear after Dr. No in order. The only way I can think of doing this (unless someone knows of a better way) is to have a custom field called "SeriesName" which would essentially be just the title for most movies, but for movies that are in a series, it would be "Name X" where Name is the place it should be alphabetically (i.e. the first title in the series) and X is the iteration number it would be. Using Bond as an example again, we would have Dr. No = "Dr. No 1", For Your Eyes Only = "Dr. No 2", ... Spectre = "Dr. No 24", then the next film in this sorted order should be whatever originally appeared after Dr. No. This could also be applied to series that don't have numbers in their title (eg Harry Potter 1, Harry Potter 2, etc).
The issue I'm having is how to automatically add the series title to a custom field so I only have to manually change the ones that are part of a series. Anyone know of any scripts that could help?
Order by movie series?
I suppose it should be possible using a custom field of type "Virtual" combining the title and another fiend (where the "series name" would be), then sorting on that virtual field.
This is a hind of where to search, if you need more info (there is probably some in the Help file), soulsnake will be needed, as it is him who added that feature.
This is a hind of where to search, if you need more info (there is probably some in the Help file), soulsnake will be needed, as it is him who added that feature.