am just looking at your app, having been using den4b's ReNamer for some time.
initially looks great, only surprised that i can't find an option to add the app to my folders' right-click list - is there any reason for this/could you easily add it ..?
also, in the main actions window, would have expected the ability to navigate up/down the list using cursor keys, rather than having to manually click back and forth etc. any thoughts ..?
About the context menu, it is on my to-do list since some time, though that it can be easily be added by manually editing the registry (or added to the Send To menu by adding a shortcut in the "sendto" folder).
The only problem is that it will launch a new instance of the program, so for adding other files to the list of the opened window you have to use drag & drop rather than contextual menu.
When you select an option the first field on the option page is focused, I though that it was easier to use that way. So if you navigate in the list you have to it Shift+Tab each time to go back to the list. I agree that it is not really easy to use with keyboard.
not too major, but will probably wait until at least the context menu feature is in place to give it a proper run, so please add me to any update list!