Missing Titles in copied .amc file

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Missing Titles in copied .amc file

Post by bgoodgion »

I have been using version 4.2.02 on my Win-7 desktop without any problem, tracking my movie collection of 2027 titles. Recently, I decided to install the program on my Win-8.1 laptop to provide a way to reference my collection elsewhere. The program installed without issues and I transfered a copy of my .amc file with a USB thumb drive. Upon opening the file, I could only view 1618 titles - not 2027. I've tried opening the file directly from the drive, importing the file (vs. copying), uninstalling/reinstalling the program (also in Win-7 compatible mode) - all with the same result. I moved a copy to a shared folder on my home wifi network and tried opening that - same result. Even stranger, when I open that copy on my Win-7 computer, it behaves likewise - can only see 1618 titles - but the original file still works fine with 2027 titles on that same computer.

I inspected both catalog files to try and identify which titles were not appearing in the copies. I often alter the original title in order to 'group' my collection for easier sorting - e.g. Disney animated titles have WDA- prefaced at the beginning of the original title field, so I may easily see which of those I own. The same is true of some other 'series' I've created - e.g. AH- is in front of original titles by Alfred Hitchcock. This habit of mine seems to be related to the issue of missing titles in the copies, but I don't understand why. I'm not sure this accounts for all 409 missing titles, either, but it's harder to notice other differences. If anyone can shed light on this issue, I would very much appreciate the help. Editing all those titles back to the original form would be tedious and inconvenient - besides which, I'm not sure that would solve the problem, or that I could identify all problematic titles. Thanks in advance for any help.
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Post by soulsnake »


Maybe the catalog that you copied is an old version and not the last one.
If you are not sure, open the working catalog on win7 and save a copy on your desktop using "save as" and try with this catalog on win7 and win8.

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Post by bgoodgion »

see below
Last edited by bgoodgion on 2015-09-21 20:05:31, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bgoodgion »

bgoodgion wrote:
soulsnake wrote:Hi,

Maybe the catalog that you copied is an old version and not the last one.
If you are not sure, open the working catalog on win7 and save a copy on your desktop using "save as" and try with this catalog on win7 and win8.

Thanks for the suggestion: please disregard my earlier post/reply. You have correctly identified my problem, although I'm still unclear on how windows handles the file - but that is a different issue. When I save the file I believe is the working copy, I'm actually saving an old copy - as you suggested. Each time I open the Ant Catalog, my preferences are set to open the file from a specific location - the 'catalogs' sub-folder of the Ant Catalog Program files (x86) folder. When I click directly on that file, the database opens with the current copy. However, the ACTUAL current copy, as I discovered, is in: User/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/ProgramFiles(x86)/AntMovieCatalog/Catalogs. Even when I delete the file in the location I specified in preferences completely, the program still opens correctly with the current file (from the location above).
Obviously, I have much to learn about how Windows manages files and storage. However, the important thing is that you've helped me solve my problem, for which I'm very grateful. This will help me in the future, no doubt, if I have similar problems with other programs in locating the correct data file. Thank you !!! :D :hihi: :grinking:
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Post by antp »

The "Virtual store" is how Windows Vista/7/8 handle files written by "old" programs that still write in their own folder rather than document & settings folders.
AMC was updated some time ago for that, but your installation is probably older than that. And even if you upgraded, the new proper handling of settings and files is only applied to clean fresh installs.
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