None of the scripts seem to work...
I tried import from IMDB and all others... All i'm getting is " cant connect " "socket error 10061" " connection refused "
Any one know how to solve it? But it might be something with the IMDB site too... they seemed to have changed the URL info... now a movie url looks like: instead of
Maybe that could be it... Anyway any response would be nice! tnx
Cant import movie info from IMDB or ANY other site!
the problem as i understand it
hi folks
as i understand the problem - the scripts work fine they just produce results without the corect information example: the URL fields miss the number of the film, and the description field has some added html text in it , but it runs ok
as i understand the problem - the scripts work fine they just produce results without the corect information example: the URL fields miss the number of the film, and the description field has some added html text in it , but it runs ok
It doesn't matter what film. They changed the structure of the links. All I get under the URL: fields is:
And under Description at the end:
But I don't know how to fix it, so if any1 can, please do so and post the IMDB (US) import script here.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
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