Bug in renaming with a list

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Bug in renaming with a list

Post by marcreinhart »


We are using a CSV file as list to rename a set of images.
We found out that although the ranking of the images to rename matches with the ranking of the names in the list, during the rename process.
I suspect that windows orders the images during the renaming process and therefore images are changing their respective places in the folder.

Do you know this bug? Do you have a solution?

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Post by antp »

I moved the thread since this applies to Ant Renamer rather than And Movie Catalog I suppose...
Windows sorts numbers differently than Ant Renamer, as it interprets them, to have for example 10 after 2, where Ant Renamer considers that 1 is before 2 so 10 comes before 2 like "BA" comes before "C".
I'm not sure what you mean by "Windows orders the images during the renaming process" though... can you give more details, examples and/or screen captures?
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