i would like to use a custom folder/directory, where i store my movie pictures with their imdb number, eg. Interstellar would be tt0816692.jpg , so when i open my catalog he opens the file, and picks the right picture from the custom directory according to the URLfield. Is this possible?
Use custom pictures in a custom directory?
i made this to export the pictures:
but importing i still havent gotten around to.
Code: Select all
program ExportPictures;
movieurl: string;
path: string;
path := 'C:\Users\Teebee\Pictures\moviecollectie\';
movieurl := StringReplace(getfield(fieldurl), 'http://imdb.com/title/', '');
if (path = '') then
Input('Folder path to store pictures', 'Folder path:', path);
ExportPicture(path + movieurl + PictureExt);