Importing media files from subfolders = One shot import

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Importing media files from subfolders = One shot import

Post by fuzzychicken »

Hello folks,

Its my first time making movie database. I have folders depending on the type of movie and the files are in there. I noticed that I can not select super (head) folder and ask AMC to go through subfolders to import the media files. For every folder, I have to import the files, close the import dialog box so that those files are imported into AMC.

Is there any way that AMC goes recursively through all sub folders and get all files names?

Many thanks in advance.
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Post by soulsnake »


Of course you can browse subfolders recursively. By default browse depth of subfolders is 0 (see import media files options) but you can set 1, 2 or * to browse all subfolders.
Maybe I should put * value by default.

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Post by antp »

soulsnake wrote: Maybe I should put * value by default.
Or 2 as default, which should fit most of the cases and avoid problems in case of very big hierarchy (or recursive folders, possible with hard links / junctions)
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