Problem in getting catalog to open in android phone

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Problem in getting catalog to open in android phone

Post by Confused »

I had your program working well a few years back but since then all of my data for my catalog has been lost. Recently I read that AMC can be used as an app on the android phone.

I didn't wish to spend too much time & effort in re creating my old catalog until I was onvinced that the app would perform like I expected.

I therefore started a new catalog with only a couple of entries & then saved it. I installed the app OK. I think that I had transfered a copy of the XML file correctly onto my SD card.

I can see my catalog if I look at 'My File' on the phone but when I oppen the app & type what I thought was the correct path to my catalog file I never seem to be able to get it to link up.

Is there any special location on the phone's card that the file should be located? Does it even matter where on the card you store the cataloge file as long as you can type the path to that location?

Do you have anyother suggestions?
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Joined: 2008-08-14 17:58:38

Post by spiderman »

open pocket AMC reader
press menu on the telephone
press the triangle on this field. fill in: /sdcard/foldername/filename.xml

whereas: foldername: where your catalog is stored
filename: name of your xml

check here: viewtopic.php?t=4717
Posts: 14
Joined: 2012-03-03 02:49:32

Post by Confused »

Thanks for the reply.

First I went to 'my files' & found my catalog. The [b]top[/b] of screen has a path listed. It says /mnt/sdcard/external_sd If I then go to [b]bottom[/b] of list I see 'moviecatalog.xml'.

When Pocket AMC welcome says I must type path to xml catalog. I did this just by adding a '/moviecatalog.xml' to what it had said at top of screen. I'm assuming this is correct.

It then says to change cataloge encoding to match your PC settings. Mine is set to Western European.

Then I filled in & told it to save some fields on 1st,2nd,3rd line. It's a little difficuly to know what to choose since I still have no idea just what the phone is capable of displaying but I assume it's only going to be edited highlights of what the the program displays on a PC. Is this correct?

Any help will be apprecieated.
Posts: 51
Joined: 2008-08-14 17:58:38

Post by spiderman »

Confused wrote:Thanks for the reply.

When Pocket AMC welcome says I must type path to xml catalog. I did this just by adding a '/moviecatalog.xml' to what it had said at top of screen. I'm assuming this is correct.

try this: /sdcard/moviecatalog.xml if your xml file with images are just on the sdcard.
if you use a folder i.e. amc then: /sdcard/amc/moviecatalog.xml
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