IMDB link only works once

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erik van assche
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IMDB link only works once

Post by erik van assche »

When i connect to IMDB to get info, the connection works once ( to get the list ) and at best twice ( to also get movie info ). But when trying a second time, i get a time-out? Is this a movie catalog issue or is this imdb not reacting?
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Post by bad4u »

Just did some tests with a couple movies, no problem with script version 3.71 for me.

You could visit IMDb via browser and search for some movies to see if it happens there too (just to verify it is your connection).
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

I updated the script and get the same results. At best i see the list of movies, but in many cases i don't even get that one. As soon as the script executes the 'GetPage' instruction ( i don't know anything of this language but found out that's were it blocks ), i get a Read TimeOut. When i use the address he is trying to access, directly in my browser, it works fine. So, it seems to be that GetPage is not working??
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Post by antp »

Do you have a firewall, proxy server or something like that which could interfere?
Do you get that only with IMDB? (i.e. do other scripts work fine)
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

I tried some other scripts and they seem to work. Only the IMDB one does not. At best, it does give me the list of matching movies, but sometimes not even, but never the movie data itself.
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Post by antp »

And if you do the search on IMDB with your web browser, and then paster the movie URL instead of the title so the script bypasses the movie search, does it work?
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

Where should i past it then?

What i did see is that one of the time i got to see the list and i clicked on "show page", he tried to open url that did not work because it had "/combined" at the end. When i cut the "/combined" it opend the page. Don't know if there is a link?
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Post by bad4u »

Pasting the URL would be into the box where you usually enter the title when running a script.

The /combined at the end of URL is used when one or both script options "AllActors" or "Producer" are NOT set to "0", as it loads more details from /combined page then. Does that happen only for specific movie(s) ? Maybe there are some that don't have a combined page then ? Else try setting both options above to "0" and see if that works.

And please verify you are using script version 3.71 - in scripting window mark IMDb script and look in the information frame below the list. Just to make sure AMC is not running an older version from Windows VirtualStore or something that you're not aware of.
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

I tried pasting in the url. Same problem again.

The instruction where it hangs is "PageText := ConvertToASCII(GetPage(Address));" in the procedure "AnalyzeResultsPage". When i take the content of the field Address and paste it in my browesr, it works fine.

When executing the instruction, i get a pop up saying "Importing data from the internet..." and "Connected". Than after a while i get the error message "Read Timeout" and when i click ok on that one, it says "HTTP/1.1 404 not found"

When i wait until i get that error message and click on ok and re-execute, i get the movie list window. When i do not wait and cancel and then re-execute, i do not get the movie list window.
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Post by antp »

And if you wait some time before clicking "ok" in the movie selection window?
Maybe that IMDB limits the number of requests made per minute by AMC from your address...
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

I tried everything, but it simply will not work. Do you stil have an older version that i couldf install again and see if that would still work, because i never had this problem before. I uninstalled this one and re-installed in, but that did not help. Should i delete more than what the uninstall is removing to un install fully?
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Post by bad4u »

Older versions can be found here:
You should go for AMC version then.

Did you change script options "AllActors" and "Producer" to "0", to see if it works without using the /combined URLs ?
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

Those two options are = to 0. I tried installing an old version, but that one cannot open my database anymore. Cannor read header error...[/img]
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Post by bad4u »

In AMC 4.x open file menu, choose "Save as" and set file format to "Ant Movie Catalog 3.5" to save a AMC 3.5.x compatible version of your database. This file then can be opened with AMC 3.5 again, but you lose any data that was saved to custom fields (as 3.5 doesn't have these).

Saving to *.xml should work too, I think, but as you said you cannot open the file, you probably use *.amc file format.
erik van assche
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Post by erik van assche »

i tried it with the older version, but the issue is the same. When i try accessing AllMovie, ot works fine. IMDB : at best the movie list, but not more. I have no clue..
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Post by bad4u »

Note: Tracked the problem down to this specific PC using Vista, as with another PC using Win7 the same AMC version and script works for OP. So it might be Vista related, maybe firewall, ports or something.. if someone still has an idea..?
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