add another cover and enlarge caracters o the left?

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add another cover and enlarge caracters o the left?

Post by otreux »


can I add another cover? I have see that in the new feature add "Custom fields" is impossible.
Second request, Can I zoom in on characters of the names on the left?

Thank's :)
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Post by soulsnake »

can I add another cover? I have see that in the new feature add "Custom fields" is impossible.
For now you can store others pictures in a folder and add one or more custom fields of URL type to store picture path.
This way, you can see/found picture easily.
Second request, Can I zoom in on characters of the names on the left?
You can add this lines in your file tranlation after [MainWindow] to change text size (default value is 8).

Code: Select all

First line is for MovieList in List/Grid View (left panel).
Second line is for MovieList in Thumbnails View (left panel).
Third line is for movie fields (right panel - first tab).
Fourth line is for custom movie fields (right panel - second tab).

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Post by otreux »

Thank's for your help, now it's all ok but I dream that in future we can have some tab on the cover windows for easy add some cover image.

Last help (or tell me if I must open a new topic). I have a problem for sort my movie list. In the "Renumber" windows I have set "Advantage sort option" and set

Media Label
Translated title

but nothing change in my movie list :(

Here I have put my prefs.xml, if can help
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Post by soulsnake »

Thanks for 'prefs.xml' file, it is easier for me to see the problem.

I see two "normal" problems.

First: You sort yours movies on Year.
If you want to sort your movies on Media Label you have two solutions:
- Right click on movie list -> Sort By -> Medial Label
- Right click on movie list -> Sort By -> Number AND "Renumber" like you do before.

Second: You group your movies on 'media label' field so the sort on groups is done on 'media label' and you can't change it.
The sort option is applied on movies and not on groups.
So do Right click on movie list -> Group By -> None.
If you want to have media label in title column instead of formated title, you can change it in preferences (Title formatting : Media Label).
You can also use Grid View instead of List View and put 'Media Label' column at left.

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Post by otreux »

I m a bit confused.

For the first part of your answer
I must change 2 time the "Right click on movie list"
The first I set Medial Label and after Number? And after Renumber like I want?
These operations have to repeat every time I want to order the movies as I want? :(

For the second part
If I click NONE I see only the title of the movie and not the media label. If I change Title formatting : Media Label I see the name of the media label in place of the title traslated

At the end I want see on the left:

Media Label
Translated title

and I want, if is possible, that the movie are sort by:

media label
translated title

and every time that i add I movie in automatic is sort like I want, is possbile?

Don't like the Grid is possible :)

would you do me a big gift if you up prefs.xml file correctly, or are ready to try to follow your advice but I would not make you lose too much time because of my bad English

Thank's for all
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Post by soulsnake »

For the first part of your answer
I must change 2 time the "Right click on movie list"
The first I set Medial Label and after Number? And after Renumber like I want?
These operations have to repeat every time I want to order the movies as I want?
No you just have to choose one of them ;).

First solution is better because you don't have to renumber. The sort is updated each time you modify/add movies.

With second you have more options but:
- you have to renumber movies
- to see sort, you have to sort movie list by number.
- if you modify/add movies you have to renumber to update sort.

In a future version i will add advanced sort like renumber but without renumber movies.
Don't like the Grid is possible
Grid mView is just like List View with more columns.
But now you can hide columns you don't need so you can just have Media Label and Translated title on left in grid mode.

I will try to upload pref.xml.
EDIT: ... /prefs.xml

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Post by otreux »

thank's for your patience :)
I have use you file but the result ins't what i want :(

I post an image for explain what i want ... neyfo.jpg/
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Post by soulsnake »

In this case, display your movie list in list view, group by 'media label' and sort by 'source'.
If you want a sort on 'media label', 'source', 'year', and 'translated title' renumber like this and sort by 'number'.
I see only this 2 solution for now.
I will add advanced sort in a future version.

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Post by otreux »

ok, thank's :)
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