change location of picture folder

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change location of picture folder

Post by Guest »

First of all huge THANKS for this beautiful piece of software!:clapping:
I'm using it for almost 4 months now and don't want anything else.

I'm not sure if it was asked before (did't find such request here) but I wonder if it possible to change location of picture folder through preferenses. I'll try to explain - I'm having a copy of my catalog on 4 different PC's now :D but only on 1 of them I can use thumbnail view. I'm using a absolute link to pictures and on that PC the path to picture folder is "E:\My Documents\My Pictures\Movies" wile on other PC's disk letter may vary (like "D:\My Documents\My Pictures\Movies").
Can I just somehow simply change path to that folder instead of manually linking every single movie(about 400 of them :( ) to cover? Or can you implement such feature in future release?

Anyway - thank you again for you work. :up:
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Post by antp »

It would have been better to use relative link.

You can save the catalog to xml and then edit this xml file with Notepad (or any other text editor) and do a "Replace" to replace the path (or remove it, to get relative link, e.g. remove the drive letter and keep only \My documents\my pictures\movies, it may work).

anyway, do a backup of your catalog before making such tests :D

Post by Guest »

:grinking: hey, it worked !!! Wow - thanks alot for you tip and again for you beautiful work! Hope that new versions will be even better. (Looking forward for *.ogm,*.rmvb file types support :wink: ):up:
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