Translated Title with IMDb script is always (USA)

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Joined: 2009-12-28 11:41:11

Translated Title with IMDb script is always (USA)

Post by clansman »

I need a little help..
I'm make country setting inside script

// ***** Manually set UserCountry to your required Classification Country below *****
UserCountry = 'Croatia';
{ Delete the line above and remove the "//" in front of one the
following lines, or add your country if it is not listed }
//UserCountry = 'USA';
//UserCountry = 'Canada';
//UserCountry = 'Mexico';
//UserCountry = 'Brazil';
//UserCountry = 'Argentina';

but when i for example try to get informations about movie sex and the city in translated title column i always get this title:
Sex and the City: The Movie (USA) (DVD title)

but on IMDB this move has Croatian title:
Also Known As (AKA)
Sex and the City Greece / Japan (English title) / Turkey (Turkish title)
Sex and the city - La película Argentina / Mexico
Sexo en la ciudad Peru / Venezuela
Seks i grad Croatia
Seks ja linn Estonia
Seks w wielkim miescie Poland
Sex and the City - O Filme Brazil
Sex and the City: Der Film Germany
Sex and the City: The Movie USA (DVD title)
Sex and the city - Le film France
Sex and the city - Sinkkuelämää Finland
Sexe à New York Canada (French title)
Sexo e a Cidade Portugal
Sexo en Nueva York: La película Spain]

Same case is when I set country on France, Germany...etc
Also same thing is with any other movie with local Title.

I believe that I'm fully understand this software and I am extremely satisfied, i hope this small detal will be solved soon but with little help from someone on forum.
Once more, sorry on bad English, I'm never learn it :/
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

The costant "UserCountry" is used only for classification import on IMDB script, not for importing specific translated movie titles. Sorry.
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