Standardizing Picture Size

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Standardizing Picture Size

Post by Philx »

I have completed my collection by downloading info from various sites using your scripts. I then discovered the Ant Viewer which has a nice clean interface that I like very much.

THe only problem is that the movie pictures that scroll in the header of the viewer are all different sizes which I guess is a reflection of their source sites. Is there any way that I can set a standard size for the pictures in the Ant Movie Catalog and have that respected in the viewer? What is determining what size pictures are displayed in the scroll window in the viewer? Can that be edited somehow? Hope this is clear.

One last thing I tried to change the title My Private Movie Collection to something else through the template. I deleted that title in the template but it still displays at the top of the viewer. Any thoughts?

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Post by antp »

I can't help you with the viewer, but if you wish to resize all pics of your catalog you can save the catalog to xml so the pictures will be stored as external files.
You can later re-save to .amc and re-inject the pictures in the .amc file if you wish, there is a tool on the download page of my site for that.
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Post by Philx »

Thanks; I will give that a try.
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Post by Philx »

I saved my catalog as an xml file and then resized the pictures using xnview. I then resaved the catalog as an amc file and reopened in the viewer but the same problem persists ie different picture sizes in the viewing window. Any thoughts on how to fix?

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Post by bad4u »

Philx wrote:Any thoughts on how to fix?
I don't think this is a bug, different picture size on Ant Viewer seems to be intentional ;)

Look at sample images:
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Post by Philx »

Hi Bad4u: I noticed that but I am not sure the viewer does it intentionally. I have emailed that site but have received no response from its operator. I guess I am just asking if the process I followed should work ie give me standardized picture sizes and if not are there any other processes that I could try?

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Post by bad4u »

Philx wrote:..and if not are there any other processes that I could try?
If it's intentional - and I think so - the only way I see is changing author's Delphi component "Nice Gallery" the way you want the pictures to appear and then compiling a new version of Ant Viewer. Both sources are downloadable from his website, but you should have Delphi and some Delphi knowledge for that ;)
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Post by Philx »

About as much as your average mollusc; Oh well ':('

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