Media Label Field Suggestion

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Media Label Field Suggestion

Post by Totototo »

Been using the program for a while now, its great.

I´m having a problem with the sorting by media label field, to be more specific, i have compilations of movies and i use this field to store the label of the compilation, some are numbers, and others are plain strings, the thing is that this field doesnt recognize if its a number or a string and when i sort or group the movies by media label i get the numbers sorted as if they where strings.

For instance, my first compilations are shown like this:
1, 10, 100 , 101, 102, ... ,119,12,120, etc...

Maybe im asking too much but if the sorting could be made separately first for integers and then for the strings, it would be very usefull, at least for me, ;).

Oh, and tanks a lot for this great tool!
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Post by antp »

You can simply put a "0" in front of lower numbers :whistle:
But indeed I should sort numbers as numbers in that field, as it is often used for such contents.
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Post by Totototo »

Yeah, that solves my problem, the thing is that i would have to add the extra 0's in each movie, and that could be really anoying (800 titles...).

But then again, i think i could try to write a script to do that or to export everything to .xsl, change it and import it back.

Anyway, thanks for the tip.
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Post by antp »

A script is easy to make. e.g. to make 4-digit numbers:

Code: Select all

program NewScript;
  s: string;
  s := GetField(fieldMedia);
  while Length(s) < 4 do
    s := '0' + s;
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Post by inigoth »


Ive been using this script since last year but recently i update AMC version and now this script no longer works.

Error says "comma expected line 8"

line 8 its: SetField(fieldMedia);

any solution?


Im using:
MovieCatalog.exe : versión (creado el 01/02/2009 18:15:52)
AMCExchange.dll : versión (creado el 22/09/2007 11:47:56)
AMCReport.exe : versión (creado el 15/01/2005 16:13:58)
MediaInfo.dll : versión 0.7.10 (creado el 30/01/2009 10:19:42)
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Post by bad4u »

The variable is missing, it must be

Code: Select all

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Joined: 2009-08-11 19:56:59

Post by inigoth »

Yes, now it works!!
i had to hange last line too
end; -> end.

Thanks a lot!!
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