Comments on existing version & Suggestions for future versions. If you want a new feature suggest it here. Discussions about beta versions also come in this section.
first of all - reeeeaaaaalllyyyyyyyyy genious piece of software - this is ;-)
maybe you know Helium Music Manager ( - it is a nice music organizer and it has a special view which is called "Album-View" in which the CDs are shown with Cover an some details. This is very nice for browsing through ones collection. You can get an impression with screenshots here ... albums.php
I think it would be great to have such a view in AntMovieCatalog. Instead of just the Film-Titles in the left list, there would be a list with the filmcovers... like this:
A view with a least a thumbnail image would be nice, yes. It is planned for a future version, but since there are so many things that I should add I cannot promise when it will be done, sorry
Probably when I will replace the list component used, which is one of the relatively high priority tasks for next versions.
But I do not know when I will do that as it requires some big changes.