IMDB script

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Post by antp »

bad4u wrote: As the layout of the "combined" page is the same as it is on normal page - only with some more informations added - it should work fine with the other options, but I did not test it in detail - so maybe there could be problems. The 3 films I tested worked fine with options set to standard.
The pictures are not downloaded anyway, I was saying that for page size (if people do batch-import for example).
Note that I haven't yet added the script to my server. I'll put it on a temporary location this evening, so people can test it to be sure that it works well before include it officially.
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Post by antp »

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Post by bad4u »

Cosmo wrote:well, at least i tried to get ALL actors for about 3 movies and with none of them it worked. means: it still only shows the actors from the main page, which were added with the old imdb-script. the additional actors aren't added.

any hints? :/
Which script version are you talking about ?

antp wrote:I'll put it on a temporary location this evening, so people can test it to be sure that it works well before include it officially.
Thanks, although when I deleted the download link my intention was to find some more time for testing before uploading the script again ;)

So, who wants to test this script now should be aware of that he's a kind of beta tester .. sorry :p
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Post by loopback »


Beta testing? No Problem :P
Here's what i found out yesterday:

Version: Script Version 2.10 bugfixed (20070205/bad4u)

Batchmode set to "0" downloading only Description and Actors:

About 60% of my movies now have fullcredits, 10% seem to have no actors at all, 30% still have only 15 actors.
Basic ( - script downloads only 15 actors
Die another day ( - script downloads fullcredits
2 Fast 2 Furious ( - script downloads no actors

When Batchmode is set to "1" or "2" downloading only Description and Actors the script works like the old one ... 15 actors.

Thats all for now, hope this helps a bit for fixing. Thanks alot to antp and bad4u for the effort.


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Post by Murnau_Vs_Buñuel »

Are these scripts legal?

it seems that "all" content at imdb is their property and they do not want to share. what that mean is if you want to look at the title, trailer, etc then go to their site and view it...
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Post by antp »

When I started to add scripts to AMC I contacted IMDB, they said that they knew that several programs where doing that, but as long as the program says that info comes from IMDB it is was OK with them.
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Post by northman »


imdb 3.46
out of range à la ligne 415
"while StrGet(Value, Length(Value)) = ',' do"

films :

merci d'avance pour votre assistance
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Post by bad4u »

IMDB script version 3.47: (do NOT click, copy link into a NEW browser window !)

Fixes the out of range problem for some movies, when variable Value on writers/producers import becomes empty.
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Post by northman »

grand merci "bad4u"
very well
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Post by Redays »


In the option CommentType = 1 the script gets the 10 most useful comments, is there a way to make it only gets the 2 or 3 most useful?

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Post by bad4u »

Redays wrote:Hi...

In the option CommentType = 1 the script gets the 10 most useful comments, is there a way to make it only gets the 2 or 3 most useful?

Sure. Search for

Code: Select all

        FullValue := TextAfter(FullValue, 'comment useful :-</small><br>');
        while FullValue <> '' do
somewhere around line 448 and change it to

Code: Select all

        FullValue := TextAfter(FullValue, 'comment useful :-</small><br>');
        for count := 1 to 3 do
        if FullValue <> '' then
Now option "10 most useful comments" will download only the first 3 of these comments. It is 10 by default, as there are up to 10 comments on the IMDB page and it downloads all of them. As you can guess from the code, changing count variable will result in different number of comments then.
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Post by Redays »

Thank you bad4u!
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Post by LeMoi »

Latest version I found doesn't retrieve correct imdb url, just :s
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IMDB Script error?

Post by mattroby »

Same here. I'm getting an error with the IMDB script. Anyone have an update?
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got problem too

Post by Bowly »

same problem here....but not all movies, just some that got problem.
-Flash of Genius
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Post by bad4u »

LeMoi wrote:Latest version I found doesn't retrieve correct imdb url, just :s
Change line

Code: Select all

MovieNumber := TextBetween(PageText, '<input type="hidden" name="auto" value="legacy/title/tt', '/"><input');

Code: Select all

MovieNumber := TextBetween(PageText, '<input type="hidden" name="auto" value="legacy/title/tt', '/"><');
on the script.

An updated script will be available from the server soon ;)
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Post by antp »

I did the change on my server, without testing... I hope it is ok :D
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Post by bad4u »

antp wrote:I did the change on my server, without testing... I hope it is ok :D
So do I :D

They changed the ><input on that line to ><button . I decided to keep it more general, as Bowly said it's not for all movies. Maybe there are movies that still have the old code, and this way it should work for both. Unfortunately I didn't find such during my tests. So if there are still other movies with problems, someone please report ;)
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Post by adler »

The new script does not download trivia or awards on a few movies such as Live Free or Die Hard and Watchmen.

Any help will be appreciated... :)
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Post by bad4u »

adler wrote:The new script does not download trivia or awards on a few movies such as Live Free or Die Hard and Watchmen.
I tried both movies you mentioned and some more, and all get trivia and awards correct with different settings (full/short trivia, import to description/comments).

You should download latest version 3.48 again and check your script option settings (on the right side of scripting window). Maybe you lost previous trivia and awards settings somehow ..
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