IMtoAMC - create csv file with movies to import to AMC

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IMtoAMC - create csv file with movies to import to AMC

Post by AmBeR »

IMtoAMC - create csv file with movies from disks, that can be import to AMC.
IMtoAMC is similar to AVIList, but IMtoAMC have more options what I need.

I write this program for me and my friends, but I think He can appeal to some people from this forum.

Fields imported to AMC (English):

Code: Select all

Original Title;Video Format;Video Bitrate;Audio Format;Audio Bitrate;Resolution;Framerate;Files Sizes;Length;Number of disks
I think program is intuitive and very easy-to-use.

Program screen

Import screen in AMC

This is still beta version, can not work correctly.

Code: Select all beta (08.01.2008)
 - add options to merge multi-part movies
 - can select own language to column titles in exported file
 - minor changes and fixes

Code: Select all beta (10.01.2008)
 - recognizes more multi-part movies
 - minor changes and fixes
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Post by jj666 »

Very useful, thank you.

Just as a FYI, I tried it with a 13gb MKV file, it borked with '13302708573' is not a valid integer value when I tried the "get file info" tab - normal CD size rips work fine.


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Post by fulvio53s03 »

I discovered this program and it's satisfying most part of my needs.
Could ìt be possible to change the suffix of the files to extract?
I mean: I'm trying to get a mod for AMC where cataloging comics and I have some comics in format .pdf, .cbz, rar etc.
I don't need to look at their characteristcs of audio, video etc....., of course.
Thanks in advance.
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Post by antp »

You mean make these extensions recognized by that program? (i.e. not AMC)
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Joined: 2007-02-08 18:08:48

Post by blue334 »

It would be very useful to me if this program could optionally do the following (in addition to what it already does):

- Save year in the csv
- Save the full movie path in the csv (multiple files separated by [|]
- Extract the file "tag" and place it in the csv (ripper's tag at end of filename, usually delimited by [-])

Not all these additions make complete sense with AMC I know, but I haven't been entirely faithful to AMC lately (and they do make sense with my current software)

If not would you be willing to post the source code? Maybe I can manage to do this myself.
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