IMDB script does not get full summary...??
IMDB script does not get full summary...??
Hi all, thanks for that software and the time you spend on writing these great scripts, my catalog is growing fast...
I have a problem however, I am using the IMDB script 3.32, and I am trying to get the full description of movies, and it just does not get it! I have changed the option to number "2", and the field stays empty, or I only get the tagline.
For example, I try to get the page of the Traffic movie ( and the description field only gives me the tagline...
I am pretty sure I must be missing something, but what??
Can you help please?
Thanks again.
I have a problem however, I am using the IMDB script 3.32, and I am trying to get the full description of movies, and it just does not get it! I have changed the option to number "2", and the field stays empty, or I only get the tagline.
For example, I try to get the page of the Traffic movie ( and the description field only gives me the tagline...
I am pretty sure I must be missing something, but what??
Can you help please?
Thanks again.
Re: IMDB script does not get full summary...??
The only thing you missed is that IMDb changed something on their website again (the link to the full summary)Deazo wrote:I am pretty sure I must be missing something, but what??

IMDB 3.33: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
Select (=mark blue) films you want to import description from the list. Go to the scripting window (where all scripts are listed), mark the IMDB script so that it is blue. Now you have an options frame named "Modifiable fields" on the right bottom corner of the window. Deselect all fields except 'Description'. Above that frame you see 'Movies to include'. Choose 'Selected' and run the script.Deazo wrote:Now what is the best way for me to go back to all the dvd's i have listed, and ONLY add the full description/summary?
For me version 3.33 still works. Please check that you have latest script version 3.33 from and that script option 'MultipleValuesCountry' is not set to '4' (= do not import country).LeMoi wrote:IMDb script doesn't retrieve conutry any more?!
If there are still problems please give an example movie from IMDb that does not work for you, maybe it's a special case..
I believe there might be a problem again with the IMDB script (vers 3.33) and the IMDB website. When you import for the Description field, it only take the Plot info from the first page which is a one liner. It would be nice if it took the plot info that you find under the link Full Summary.
For example, Babe (1995), has a very brief main page desc, but the linked page is far more informative.
Can the truly great and most helpful IMDB script be updated to now download the info found on the linked page?
For example, Babe (1995), has a very brief main page desc, but the linked page is far more informative.
Can the truly great and most helpful IMDB script be updated to now download the info found on the linked page?
Script version 3.33 works fine here. Did you check your script option settings for correct description import ? If not, open scripts list, mark the IMDB script so that it is blue and look for script option 'DescriptionSelection' on the right side of the window. Setting '1' only imports short summary, settings '2' or '3' download text from full summary page.Dobermann wrote:Can the truly great and most helpful IMDB script be updated to now download the info found on the linked page?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, can you hear the hand slapping myself upside the head? To be honest, I never noticed that window section before. Is there a page somewhere that details what all these different options do? I have only just gone straight to the download link page and got the latest version and have never seen a breakout of what all the options do. Then again, I have been known to be click impaired. 
Thanks for having this great program and wonderful script, too.

Thanks for having this great program and wonderful script, too.
Heard itDobermann wrote:Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, can you hear the hand slapping myself upside the head?

No, sorry. These options vary from script to script, some scripts do not have any options at all. Just doubleclick on an option and by default you will find a short description about what it does.Is there a page somewhere that details what all these different options do?
IMDB 3.34: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
This update fixes a bug because of websites' code change with separators on multiple value fields (like genre, countries, etc..).
Thanks @ Sam
This update fixes a bug because of websites' code change with separators on multiple value fields (like genre, countries, etc..).
Thanks @ Sam
I think the new spioler tag broke something in your script, I only get "full synopsis (warning! may contain spoilers)" when I try to retrieve the description even with "descriptionselection" set to 2 for this
And it would be nice if the script could skip the description if it only contained "add synopsis" like this
Thanks for your work
And it would be nice if the script could skip the description if it only contained "add synopsis" like this
Thanks for your work
IMDB 3.36: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)
This update fixes the bug of importing text "full synopsis..." or "add synopsis" to description field when no plot and summary is available. It simply deletes the synopsis message and link from the plot line.
Maybe it makes sense to add optional synopsis import to IMDB script, but I don't have time for this at the moment.. if someone else likes to do this, feel free to post your results
This update fixes the bug of importing text "full synopsis..." or "add synopsis" to description field when no plot and summary is available. It simply deletes the synopsis message and link from the plot line.
Maybe it makes sense to add optional synopsis import to IMDB script, but I don't have time for this at the moment.. if someone else likes to do this, feel free to post your results

Many thanks for your quick response.
But since it didn't provide me with the extra spoiler synopsis I made a hack myself.
inserted after line 342 in ver 3.36
It just checks if there is no plotsummary and then gets the plot synopsis instead from the synopsis page, provided there is a synopsis. Then it sets Value to zero so that importsummary function won't be run.
I haven't tested it too much, but it works on where there is only a synopsis and where there also is a plot.
But since it didn't provide me with the extra spoiler synopsis I made a hack myself.
Code: Select all
if ((TextBetween(Value, '<a class="tn15more inline" href="synopsis">', '</a>')) = 'full synopsis (warning! may contain spoilers)') and ((TextBefore(Value, '<a class="tn15more inline" href="synopsis">', '')) = #13#10) then
SetField(fieldDescription, TextBetween(GetPage('' + MovieNumber + '/synopsis'), '<div id="swiki.2.1">' + #13#10#13#10, '</div>'));
Value := '';
It just checks if there is no plotsummary and then gets the plot synopsis instead from the synopsis page, provided there is a synopsis. Then it sets Value to zero so that importsummary function won't be run.
I haven't tested it too much, but it works on where there is only a synopsis and where there also is a plot.