Japanese characters saved in database is possible ?

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Japanese characters saved in database is possible ?

Post by dunkelzahn »


I would like to know if is it possible to save japanese characters in database ?

Actually, I have interrogation character in place of kanji or hiragami characters.
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Post by antp »

The program does not support unicode, so only characters of current Windows charset are allowed.
Which means that Japanse characters will only be accepted on a Japanese Windows, or more precisely on a Windows where Japanese is configured as default language (as it is possible to have it on a US Windows, as long as needed files are installed).
Alternatively, if you wish to keep your current language setting in Windows (English, or French as you have a ".fr" e-mail - au passage, je suis francophone ;)), you can force the character set for a precise program using the AppLocale utility from Microsoft.
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Post by dunkelzahn »


Thanks for the answer. You said it was adviced to say in english rather than french.
I know you're francophone (I used our program since a long time). You speak french but you're belgian :p . But, that is not important.

May be later you will transform as default in unicode. I see in lot of programs unicode is the default charset.
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Post by antp »

Too much work would be required for unicode, I doubt that such change will happen.
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