As I started my Ant Movie Catolog today, the programm asked me again, which language I would choose???
And then all settings were lost.
As I opend my .amc Movie File, there where no Movies in this catalog... All Folders are blank and the Numbers Folder are "0"!
The Volume of the .amc File is still over 20 MB.
Please help me, how I can rebuild my .amc File because there were over 150 Movies included.
Thanks a lot
.amc file is crashed > need help
You can send me the file (I can provide you an url to send me a big file if you do not have a webserver to put it) but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to recover anything.
You do not have a backup copy?
Or isn't there a .bak file in the same folder as the catalog? If yes, try to rename that file to a .amc extension and open it.
You do not have a backup copy?
Or isn't there a .bak file in the same folder as the catalog? If yes, try to rename that file to a .amc extension and open it.