help, i need a modded script

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help, i need a modded script

Post by vij »

hi folks, sorry for bothering.
i needed covers with equal size, dvdempire has almost every cover, but they have different sizes.
allmovie covers are good for export. put i want the script to search for original title and not the translated.

does anyone know if something like apples coverflow is possible with amc?
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Post by antp »

What do you mean by searching for original title? (I do not know how that site/script works, but usually others use original title)

For that "Coverflow" thing, from what I see in Google it is something where you see and handle the images like you would handle disc cases on a shelf? Maybe it could be done using a lot of Javascript or Flash on data exported by AMC... all is possible.
But I do not know if it has been done yet.
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Re: help, i need a modded script

Post by bad4u »

vij wrote:allmovie covers are good for export. put i want the script to search for original title and not the translated.
Are you using batch mode or manual mode ? Can you give an example for original/translated title where search does not work as you'd like to ?
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Joined: 2007-09-18 12:33:05

Post by vij »

as a original title i have the english name, and as the translated one the german title.

so when i press F6 and choose the allmovie script, it searches for the title "der pate" instead of looking for "the godfather"

if the script looked for the original title, it would make work much easier.
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Post by bad4u »

vij wrote:if the script looked for the original title, it would make work much easier.
This is quite easy. You need to open and edit the file "StringUtils7552.pas" from your scripts folder (you can use scripts editor from within AMC or use another text editor). In the file search for the these lines :

Code: Select all

// returns the movie name stored in amc
Function GetMovieName:string;
	result := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);                  // first translated
	if result = '' then	result := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);     // or original   
and change it to

Code: Select all

// returns the movie name stored in amc
Function GetMovieName:string;
	result := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);                  // first original
	if result = '' then	result := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);     // or translated   
The allmovie script uses "BatchCommon7552.pas" and "StringUtils7552.pas" for external procedures and functions. The changes above force the script to search for original title first and - if not found - translated title instead of vice versa. But you should know that it will affect all scripts that use this .pas files (don't know which ones these are).
Posts: 9
Joined: 2007-09-18 12:33:05

Post by vij »

i have the same issue with the all movie script.

i cant find the "get field translated title" in the source code.

help would be much appreciated

thanks in advance
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

vij wrote:i have the same issue with the all movie script.

i cant find the "get field translated title" in the source code.

help would be much appreciated

thanks in advance
You need to edit the file "StringUtils7552.pas" (you can find it in your scripts folder), not the allmovie script. There you will find the GetField(fieldOriginalTitle) that needs to be changed. The allmovie script (and maybe some others) uses this file.
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