Imorting hundreds of AVI-s

If you made a script you can offer it to the others here, or ask help to improve it. You can also report here bugs & problems with existing scripts.
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Post by DarthPeacemaker »

antp wrote:Then create a file called makelist.bat in this folder, containing this:

Code: Select all

for %%a in (*.avi) do echo %%a >
Save and close this .bat file, then execute it (double click on it)
This will create a file for each .avi file...
Great work. ;)
It's possyble to avoid extension when import the title, and import also translated title (some than original title)?
Thanks :wink:
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Post by antp »

That solution is pretty limited. See the other suggestions/programs of the page for better solutions.
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Post by DarthPeacemaker »

antp wrote:That solution is pretty limited. See the other suggestions/programs of the page for better solutions.
I tried the other options and for the moment i like more your method (very simple with only execute the .bat file and drag/drop)

because now i can't too many movies to import i will do individually and I will eliminate the extension manually.

Thanks again :wink:
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Post by antp »

The other solutions seemed easier, for me :??:
It is maybe possible to remove extension in the batchfile, but I do not remember how sub-strings could be made from the original name.
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MediaListExporter (.CSV) for AMC [soon to be released]

Post by gely »

I'm "working" for now on a small shell Delphi application for windows which use MediaInfo.DLL.
It's inspired from the source of MVList.
It was fastly reworked to parse "AVI/MKV/ISO".

It made a CSV File which import well in the last AMC Beta (with header autorecognitaion : when present; headers.csv file is added at the begining of the result.csv)

v0.1 for now, need some more testings.

It may be released under GPL soon.

A simple batch file is used to create a collection.csv file from a drop of a folder.

It incorporate .nfo into comments (with '\n' return for carriage return tweaks ;))

It also use the MVList "tweak" about renaming file with a "DESCRIPT.ION" file. (thanks for this to the author of MVList, great idea).

Any comments will be welcome before the first public release. (and may be after :))

I have to complete the readme.

It corrects also the accentuations of french characters for examples (to be tested in other languages).

here sample of an export :)

Code: Select all

"Titre original";"Titre traduit";"Langues";"Durée";"Taille des fichiers";"Format vidéo";"Résolution";"Fréquence";"Débit vidéo";"Format audio";"Débit audio";"Label du support";"";"Type de support";"Adresse web";"Commentaires";
"Aaron et le livre des merveilles";"Aaron et le livre des merveilles";"";"";"679";"DIV3";"1.731";"24.998";"1163892";"161";"64080";"SCAN";"";"CD";"Z:\MEDIA\VIDEO\ANIMATION\Aaron et le livre des merveilles\Aaron et le livre des merveilles.avi";"\n ...";"";
"Crocodile Dundee II";"Crocodile Dundee II";"";"";"171";"XVID";"1.778";"23.979";"2084283";"AC3";"448000";"SCAN";"";"CD";"Z:\MEDIA\VIDEO\FILM\Crocodile Dundee II\Crocodile Dundee II.avi";"o Video              : XVID 2 passes\n...";"";
"Déjà Vu";"Déjà Vu";" / ";"";"374";"MPEG-2V";"1.333";"29.970";"9800000";"AC3";"192000";"SCAN";"";"CD";"Z:\MEDIA\VIDEO\FILM\Déjà Vu\Déjà Vu.iso";"";"";
"Forrest Gump";"Forrest Gump";" / ";"";"3179";"MPEG-2V";"1.333";"25.000";"2000000";"AC3";"448000";"SCAN";"";"DVD-5";"Z:\MEDIA\VIDEO\FILM\Forrest Gump\Forrest Gump.ISO";"Forrest Gump\n...";"";
Hope to have some times soon ;)

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Post by DarthPeacemaker »

antp wrote:The other solutions seemed easier, for me :??:
It is maybe possible to remove extension in the batchfile, but I do not remember how sub-strings could be made from the original name.
When you remember I will be thankful that you explain it to me. at the moment it is enough with which already I have.
Thanks :wink:

(also i hope the program of gely for test it) ;)

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Post by antp »

DARTHPEACEMAKER wrote: When you remember I will be thankful that you explain it to me.
Well, I would not remember just like that, a morning, "now I remember" :p
I searched with Google and found in few seconds something better:
replace "echo %%a" by "echo %%~na"
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MediaListExporter (.CSV) for AMC [v0.0.2 released]

Post by gely »

project "online" in v0.0.2 :

thanks to antp :) (tested with the last beta)...
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Post by DarthPeacemaker »

antp wrote:
DARTHPEACEMAKER wrote: When you remember I will be thankful that you explain it to me.
Well, I would not remember just like that, a morning, "now I remember" :p
I searched with Google and found in few seconds something better:
replace "echo %%a" by "echo %%~na"
Thanks antp. Works very good.
For me is the faster method to import 4/6 movies (1 dvd) each time
just 1 clik and drag/drop. Very simple
For more movies can be better other method... but i like this :/
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Post by chfau »

Hi guys,

as there is currently no feature to watch a folder for new/removed movies, I was thinking of launching avilist via command line to generate a new .csv file, then use diff & add the new movies to ANT.
But Avilist does not seem to use command line ? Does medialistexport do this?
Is there a way to remove movies from ANT via CSV as well?

diff avilist.csv_old avilist.csv
< "Fearless";"Q:\movies\!OK\Fearless\Fearless.avi";"699";"1";"XviD MPEG-4 Codec";"492x358";"23";"12000";"MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)";96
> "la nina santa";"Q:\movies\!OK\La Nina Santa\la nina santa.avi";"701";"1";"XviD MPEG-4 Codec";"576x304";"29";"14000";"MPEG Layer 3 (MP3)";112

=> I'd need to delete Fearless and Add la nina santa (easier...)

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Post by antp »

chfau wrote: Is there a way to remove movies from ANT via CSV as well?
No, sorry.
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Ux script

Post by chfau »

What would be the effect of editing the xml file & removing the lins containing those strings ?

e.g a ux script might do the trick: (ccc.xml being my ANT xml db)

Code: Select all

grepoutput=`diff avilist.csv_old avilist.csv | grep "<" | cut -d";" -f2`
for name in $grepoutput
echo $name
line=`grep -n -F "$name" ccc.xml | cut -d":" -f1`
if test $name
if test $line
 sedargs="-e "$line"d "$sedargs

#echo $sedargs
sed $sedargs ccc.xml >ccc2.xml
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Post by okhomer »

First off I would like to say great program.

This script is great and it would do what I need it to do but here is my problem. Since I started to use this program I have over 100 movies in the data base. Since then I have needed to add 50+ to the database. That is where this comes in very handy. But, when I do this to all my file it creates duplicates of the 100+ movie already added. I do see that there is a "find duplicates" script but that just creates a file telling me what I have as duplicates. I can do that by sorting by title. I have done a lot of work to get the current file the way I wanted them so deleting all first would be out of the question. Is there an easier way to get the new movies imported that I am missing?
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Post by antp »

I do not think that it is possible to make that automatically, sorry.
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Post by Wotan »

as of right now...can Ant scan a dvd (with several avi's) and add the movies and information?
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Post by antp »

No, you have to add movies one by one or use one of the tricks/programs given on this topic.
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Import Tool with Filesystem scan

Post by txtman »

I've made a simple Bulk Import Tool for Ant Movie DB.

- Scans a given directory and all subdirs at first level
- Uses the subdirfoldername as moviename in Ant DB or the filename of the moviefile
- uses a folder.jpg in the subdir of a movie as the linked cover to the movie
- if you add movies to your movie dir later, only newer movies will be imported
- can run silently without dialogboxes or open windows
- no support for splitted movies (Ant does not support that either)

Iv'e written this quicky for my own needs as a part of the import of new movies into my meedio home theater system.

Maybe if there is enough interest here i would add more features...

Freeware. You need .NET 3.5 SP1 (maybe it runs with .NET 2, did not try).

Download link: < ...>

have fun.
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Post by skynetbbs »

would be great if it would check in all folders as well...
I made a
folder structure
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Post by txtman »

I will take a closer look and give feedback here
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Re: Import Tool with Filesystem scan

Post by spacekris »

txtman wrote:I've made a simple Bulk Import Tool for Ant Movie DB.

- Scans a given directory and all subdirs at first level
- Uses the subdirfoldername as moviename in Ant DB or the filename of the moviefile
- uses a folder.jpg in the subdir of a movie as the linked cover to the movie
- if you add movies to your movie dir later, only newer movies will be imported
- can run silently without dialogboxes or open windows
- no support for splitted movies (Ant does not support that either)

Iv'e written this quicky for my own needs as a part of the import of new movies into my meedio home theater system.

Maybe if there is enough interest here i would add more features...

Freeware. You need .NET 3.5 SP1 (maybe it runs with .NET 2, did not try).

Download link: < ...>

have fun.
an unhandled exception error occurred. maybe this doesnt work on win7? do you have an update maybe?
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