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Post by circestella »

ciao, ho un enorme problema, qualcuno può aiutarmi? uso amc da 2 anni e non mi ha mai dato problemi.. 1 mese fa ho aperto il file contenente la lista dei miei dvd e di 600 che avevo catalogato ce n'erano solo una ventina!!! pazientemente ho reinserito tutti i film e ieri finalmente avevo finito, quando stamattina vado a riaprire la lista e...ORRORE, I FILM SONO SPARITI DI NUOVO!!! sono rimasti solo gli stessi 20 dell'altra volta!!! che cavolo succede?? a questo punto se non c'è una soluzione mi tocca cambiare software, però mi trovavo così bene con amc.. qualcuno può aiutarmi??
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Post by antp »

Sorry but I only understand English & French.
From that I guess from your message, I do not really see what I could do to help. You can try to rename the ".bak" file to ".amc".
Else making sometimes a backup copy of the catalog may be a good idea...
Few other people had similar problems, but it is still rare, and I could never reproduce the problem. So I still do not know if there is a bug in the program itself or if this is caused by a conflict between the program and some other program on the PC.
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Post by antp »

Sorry but I only understand English & French.
From that I guess from your message, I do not really see what I could do to help. You can try to rename the ".bak" file to ".amc".
Else making sometimes a backup copy of the catalog may be a good idea...
Few other people had similar problems, but it is still rare, and I could never reproduce the problem. So I still do not know if there is a bug in AMC itself or if this is caused by a conflict between AMC and some other program on the PC.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007-03-12 15:52:59

Post by circestella »

hi, you understand my problem... hundred of my movies have vanished.. I did a backup in another hard disk, but movies have vanished too!!! I'm so sorry, but I think that the only solution is to change program to catalog movies..
:badidea: anyway, thank you for the reply!!
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Post by antp »

circestella wrote:I did a backup in another hard disk, but movies have vanished too!!!
Are you sure that you didn't apply a filter using the search toolbar? :??:
There isn't an error message when you open that backup copy ?
Try to uninstall and reinstall the program.
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