I have a problem creating my catalogue.
In Home HTPC I don't have Internet connection. I have a lot of avi files and I'd like to create my catalogue. So I can't use "Get information from internet" (well I have the italian GUI ) which is great.
In Work PC I have internet connection.
So my question is if I can get information on my films at work and then take them to home (without take my avi at work...). For example using only titles of my films.
Is there any solutions?
You can import several AVI at one time using some tricks. But Pinterpeti wrote a tool to make that easier. See last posts of viewtopic.php?p=17829#17829
But I don' want to import avi files.
In my office pc I don't have any avi files (which are in my home htpc).
I'd like to create the catalogue at office, save as xml and then at home (other pc) load this xml.
Is this possible?
And if you store the pictures in the catalog file (should be standard, else have a look at 'tools -> preferences -> picture importation') you do not even have to export/import any files. Just copy your .amc file from the catalogs directory and use it on the other computer.
It should even be possible to store the catalog file on an USB stick (for example) and then load/save it on the computer you like. Simply plug & play. If your mobile drive is always addressed with the same drive letter, you can set the catalog from this drive as default and it will be loaded every time you start AMC (found in tools -> preferences -> files).