script (Dutch site for music Albums)

New scripts, templates and translation files that allows to use Ant Movie Catalog to manage other things than movies
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Posts: 18
Joined: 2005-08-13 21:48:23 script (Dutch site for music Albums)

Post by digiworld »

Hello everyone,

I puzzled a script for the music site together. So for anyone who needs a nice script for a Dutch database, download it at: this link

It's still a Beta version because i can't fix the problem in the description.

The problem is: When a description is imported there are no spaces after each title. :??:

If someone has a solution please tell me. I have'nt got any experiance with scripting, i really puzzled thisone out because it's very simulair to :hihi:

I compared the sites and searched for differenses and see here the result.
Enjoy it and use it well.

Greetz digiworld :grinking:
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Post by antp »

Thanks for your script, but it would maybe be better to put it in the "Mods" section, with other scripts & templates related to non-movie uses of AMC ;)
If you want, I can move the topic.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2005-08-13 21:48:23

Please move the message

Post by digiworld »

If the message is better to find there, you may move it.
The more people see it and make use of it the better, thats what this is for.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2005-08-13 21:48:23

Can someone help me with this....

Post by digiworld »

To import de tracklisting in to the description i used this script:

// Description
Value := TextBetween(Line, '">', '<br />');
SetField(fieldDescription, Value);

So i get the whole tracklist, thats nice huh!! ;) . But.... at the end of every track, directly begins the following track :( I want to place a mark (a space or / ) is this possible?

If it is, can someone tell me how??
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Joined: 2006-09-19 10:47:25

script werkt niet

Post by shadowbikes »

heb net 't script geprobeerd maar 't werkt niet. Heb die van musicmeter en moviemeter eens naast elkaar gelegd en heb daarna vervolgens een waarde veranderd. Line := Page.GetString(Page.Count-2);
Deze stond op -1. Het script werkt nu wel

grts Rene
Posts: 18
Joined: 2005-08-13 21:48:23

-1 / -2

Post by digiworld »

I don't get it.... in my script stands -2 in stead of -1.... but anyone with the same problem here's your fix.

Thnx René.. ;)

ps: René, please write in English, so everyone can understand what you try to tell us.

What René wrote in English:

I've just tryed the script, but it did'nt work. I compared the musicmeter script to moviemeter script and changed a value in the following line:
Line := Page.GetString(Page.Count-2);
The value 'Page.Count-1' into 'Page.Count-2'. Now the Script works fine.
Posts: 52
Joined: 2006-04-05 19:51:38

Post by pollewops »

Someone having an update on this script.
I just tried it, but it seems not to work anymore.

Anyone updates on this one ?

EDIT: i create already a new DRAFT version of this one which seems to work ;-)
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