WebTrack - If you got tired of static templates...

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WebTrack - If you got tired of static templates...

Post by Snille »

Hi All!
I have been working on an "online movie list system" for quite some time. Up until tow days ago I only supported another Movie List system, but tow days ago I got a request on my forum to build in support for your (Ant Movie Catalog) system. That is now done.

The PHP based web system I have built is called WebTrack (from the beginning it was just suppose to be a simple way to dynamically list my movies on the web, but it became allot more..:). It was built on another database system called MovieTrack. As it looks now, the guy who created MovieTrack has stopped develop it and will probably no release any new versions.

I did not know about the Ant system until tow days ago. But when I had a look at it I found out that it was not to hard to make WebTrack compatible with Ant. So I did. :)

Try it Here! (Only 14 titles in DB in this test version)

Download: webtrack.zip
What is WebTrack: Here!
Read how to install: Here!
Read how to create your own style profile: Here!
Read how to install a local web server and WebTrack: Here!
How to manage titles in WebTrack: Here!
How to manage users in WebTrack: Here!

And if you want support, have found a bug or have suggestions. Join my forum: WebTrack Forum

Last edited by Snille on 2006-05-28 08:32:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by antp »

Interesting... I'll check that when I've few time ;)
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Post by Snille »

Sounds good! Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions and/or bugs. :)
I forgot to mention that the Ant database have to be in XML format for WebTrack to work.

Is it possible to parse the "real" database some how? I had a look at it but I could not figure out how you "saved" the information. But it's cool that the pictures are in the same file. :)
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Post by antp »

Actually this file is not very difficult to handle I think.
It is described in the help file:
It first starts with a header:

Code: Select all

 AMC_3.5 Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.x   www.buypin.com    www.antp.be 
(there is a space in front and a space at the end of that string)
then catalog properties:

Code: Select all

OwnerName:          string;
OwnerSite:          string;
OwnerMail:          string;
OwnerDescription:   string;
then all the fields, repeated until the end of the catalog:

Code: Select all

Number:           Integer;
Date:             Integer;
Rating:           Integer;
Year:             Integer;
Length:           Integer;
VideoBitrate:     Integer;
AudioBitrate:     Integer;
Disks:            Integer;
Export:           Boolean;
Media:            string;
MediaType:        string;
Source:           string;
Borrower          string;
OriginalTitle     string;
TranslatedTitle   string;
Director          string;
Producer          string;
Country           string;
Category          string;
Actors            string;
URL               string;
Description       string;
Comments          string;
VideoFormat       string;
AudioFormat       string;
Resolution        string;
Framerate         string;
Languages         string;
Subtitles         string;
Size              string;
PictureName:      string;
PictureSize:      Integer;
Picture           array of Byte;
Integer = 4 bytes signed number
string = 4 bytes Integer giving the lenght of the string, then the string itself
Boolean = 1 byte I think, I do not remember how True/False are stored, I guess False = 0. That "Export" field is actually the checked state of the item in the left. At first it was used for indicating if movie has to be exported or not, but now lots of people use it to indicate if the movie has been seen or not.
The picture is the JPEG/PNG/GIF file contents directly stored. The size of that file is gived by PictureSize field. PictureName contains the extension (with a dot, all in lower case, .jpg/.gif/.png), or a relative or full path name if the picture is not stored in the catalog (the PictureSize = 0).
If PictureName field length is 0 then there is no picture (PictureSize = 0 too, and Picture field is not stored).
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Post by Snille »

Ah, I should have read the help a bit more, sorry about that. :)
Anyway, I shall see if I can use the actual database file in the future. That would be cool. But I'm not so experienced with reading "binary" file formats yet...
I'll keep you posted when I get it to work. :)
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really nice work on this Snille

Post by Sguilly »

This is one of the best PHP templates out there, have been using if for a couple of years now with a different movie db proggie (MovieTrack), am so glad Snille has kindly added support of ANT.

Just check out demo site he has setup using the link is his post a the top.


Keep up the good work Snille.

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Post by Snille »

Thank you! :)
I will soon release a new update with the capability to set the sizes of the cover image. I have noticed that AMC can handle "bigger" cover pictures.
This will of course be configurable from the update page.

As promised (in another post), here is the list of fields that I use and how I set them up in WebTrack:

Abitrate = Audiobitrate
Acodec = Audioformat
Actors = Actors
Akaname = Translatedtitle
Barcode = (Not used in AMC yet)
Channels = (Not used in AMC yet)
Comments = Comments
Country = Country
Cover = Picture
Director = Director
Disc = Disks
Entrydate = Date
Exclude = (Not used in AMC yet)
Filepath = Source
Format = Resolution
Framerate = Framerate
Frequency = (Not used in AMC yet)
Genre = Category
Height = (Parsed from the Resolution field)
Http = Url
Imdbakaname = Translatedtitle (Same as Akaname when using AMC)
Imdbgenre = Category
Imdbrating = Rating
Language = Languages
Loanhistory = Borrower
Location = Medialabel
Medium = Mediatype
Mpaa = (Not used in AMC yet)
Mtakaname = Translatedtitle
Mtgenre = Category (Same as Imdbrating when using AMC)
Number = Number
Producer = Producer
Rating = (Not used in AMC yet)
Runtime = Length
Size = Aspect (Calculated of the Width and Height)
Status = (Not used in AMC yet)
Subentry = (Not used in AMC yet)
Subtitles = Subtitles
Summary = Description
Tagline = (Not used in AMC yet)
Time = Length
Title = Originaltitle
Usernumber = Number (Same as Number Width and AMC)
Vbitrate = Videobitrate
Vcodec = Videoformat
Viewnumber = (Not used in AMC yet)
Votes = (Not used in AMC yet)
Width = (Parsed from the Resolution field)
Year = Year

I hope this clarifies a bit what fields go where in WebTrack.
If you all have any suggestions about how the "set" the fields in a better way, let me know.
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Post by Snille »

Released version 3.5.1 – 12-04-2006 – 17:14

Download: webtrack.zip
More information, bugs, support or suggestions: WebTrack Forum
Try it: Here! (Only 14 titles in DB in this test version)
What is WebTrack: Here!
Read how to install: Here!
Read how to create your own style profile: Here!
Read how to install a local web server and WebTrack: Here!
How to manage titles in WebTrack: Here!
How to manage users in WebTrack: Here!

Enjoy! :)
Last edited by Snille on 2006-05-28 08:33:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Snille »

I have gotten questions about what WebTrack can do; here is a list of the things I can think of for now. :)

WebTrack features:
Completely dynamic listing.
Language support.
Search for anything in any field of your database.
Search in last search results.
Ability to use AND or OR in the search.
Sort your listing in any way.
Print your list in sorted how ever you want.
See real time statistics of your database.
Print covers for your titles directly from the web.
Quick listing of latest added titles.
Don’t know what to see? Random titles form your database.
Direct access to the movie files. *
Create backups of selected titles thru automatic created scripts. *
Select layout from 10 different style profiles.
Or, create your own style profile thru a step by step included guide. **
Let all or selected users search and select titles for loan directly.
Send multi (news) mail to all "users" of your WebTrack system.
Online help with usage and hints.
So far support for tow different databases (MovieTrack and Ant Movie Catalog).
Highly configurable to fit your needs.
Full installation documentation, even for a local web server install and usage.

Forum for even further support and help.

* Requires that the web server have access to the movie files.
** Require some HTML knowledge if you want to personalize your own profile.
Last edited by Snille on 2006-05-07 00:33:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Snille »

Released version 3.5.2 – 25-04-2006 – 20:31

Download: webtrack.zip

More information, bugs, support or suggestions: WebTrack Forum

Try it: Here! (Only 14 titles in DB in this test version)
What is WebTrack: Here!
Read how to install: Here!
Read how to create your own style profile: Here!
Read how to install a local web server and WebTrack: Here!
How to manage titles in WebTrack: Here!
How to manage users in WebTrack: Here!

Enjoy! :)
Last edited by Snille on 2006-05-28 08:34:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by folgui »

Snille, it's a great template Thanks! :grinking:
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Post by Snille »

Thank you. :)
And you are welcome. I thought more people could use it if they wanted to.
That’s why I decided to also "covert" it to support AMC as well. :)
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Post by Snille »

Released version 3.5.3 – 07-05-2006 – 02:31

Download: webtrack.zip

More information, bugs, support or suggestions: WebTrack Forum

Try it: Here! (Only 14 titles in DB in this test version)
What is WebTrack: Here!
Read how to install: Here!
Read how to create your own style profile: Here!
Read how to install a local web server and WebTrack: Here!
How to manage titles in WebTrack: Here!
How to manage users in WebTrack: Here!

Enjoy! :)
Last edited by Snille on 2006-05-28 08:35:13, edited 1 time in total.
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some small problems

Post by folkbear »

Could you tell me how to change status when using this script with the xml-database extracted from AMC?
Or how to change anything at all in the "edit title"-screen?
as you informed us before on your how-to-page, this doesn't work, unless you include the info in your xml-file, but that would mean an extra upload everytime you want to change status of even a single movie....

what to do?
otherwise, great script, i'm using it already on my site (folkbear.be/mt/ for now, should make it folkbear.be as soon as all movies are uploaded)

thx Folkbear
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Post by Snille »

Hi, it seams like I have forgotten to update the "how to" guide.
As from version 3.5.2 of WebTrack it is possible to Add and Edit titles when using AMC databases as well.
The "Status" when using AMC works like this:
If there is anything in the "Borrowers" field in AMC the movie will be set to "Absent" except for the value you have defined in the "$incomming" variable. Also the "Borrower" show up in the "History" field when editing titles in WebTrack. If you just leave the "Borrower" field empty (history when edit in WebTrack) the movie will change status to Present.

I hope that’s clear enough. I know it's a bit tricky, but it is this way because AMC dos not have a "Absent/Present" field yet.

Let me know if you have any more questions. :)
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Post by folkbear »

maybe it's me, but that doesn't seem to work.
When I open up the "edit-title" and I select my title, nothing seems to be changed when I place the marking to absent and add location....
the editscreen says : "data saved" but nothing changed at all....
checked chmod status and it is 777, so no problems there....

haven't tried adjusting "loaned to"-field in amc yet, but that is the thing I want to avoid, because that way, I have to upload a new xml-file, each time I change one movie from present to absent....

how can i change this, so adjustments made online can be saved and registered?
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Post by Snille »

Maybe I was not explaining well enough.

To change the title from "Absent" to "Present" when using the AMC database directly on the web you have to remove everything in the "Loan History" field in the WebTrack title edit page and save the changes.

As long as you have anything in the "Loan History" field, the movie will be set to "Absent" in WebTrack. The "Loan History" field is being transferred from the "Borrower" filed from AMC. That means that if you clear the "Loan History" field in WebTracks title edit, the "Borrower" field will be cleared in AMC as well when you load the database from the web again.

Let me know if you still have problems...
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problem solved

Post by folkbear »

thanks snille, the editing works perfectly now....
I'm still trying to change and adjust and for now everything works just fine for me. If I encounter another problem or my incompetence keeps me hanging, I'll shout...

thank you very much, great program.
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Post by Snille »

Sounds good. :)
Just let me know if there is anything, new ideas are also welcome of course. :)
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Post by folkbear »

well, since you're asking..... lol

I'd like a cleaned version for dvdinput only. I'm trying to get this sorted out myself, but it's rather complicated to keep a nice overview.

I use this database for my dvdcollection, so the categories such as video codec, video format, audio codec, audio information should disappear. I'd like an icon view for dvd region codes (small icon of dvd or something like that), audio-info (DD5.1, DTS,...), subtitles, extra's....

And once again, the update doesn't work when using the editscreen....
I have figured out how to put all absent movies to "absent-status" with a locationmark. (just put a name in history box and update), but when updating score, tagline, aka etc.... nothing is registered.
how come how come....
would this be a lot to ask for, to make the changes mentioned above, with icons etc?
sorry for asking, but I have barely no knowledge of php or any other programming language for that matter....

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