Change fields on several movies simultaniusly

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Change fields on several movies simultaniusly

Post by Guest »

This is my first post in this forum, so I would like to start out with saying that AMC is a fantastic program - you have done a great job with this application!!! :grinking:

And now to my question: is it possible to set a field on more than one movie at a time? I have tried to mark several movies and then enter something in e.g. Borrower, source or any another field?


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Post by antp »

This can be done easily using script.
Select the movies in the list (ctrl+click to select several, or shift+click for a range) then go to Tools -> Scripting, click Editor, then New.
Between "begin" and "end" insert a new line with :

Code: Select all

SetField(fieldSource, 'this is the new source name');
Then click "Run".
The list of field names is in the Help file.

Post by Valle »

Ah, finally I figured it out (I'm not familiar with programing, so it took me some time to get it right :??: )

Thank you very much!
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Joined: 2006-04-19 22:33:52

Post by jocke »

Maybe I'm stupid but when I try this, ALL movies are changed.
I only want to change the field for some of them, the ones I selected.
I also tryed unchecking the check boxes and then selected like 10 movies.
But still all my movies were changed. :(

Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Post by antp »

On the right of the script window, you have options to specify if all movies have to included, or only selected movies.
Posts: 4
Joined: 2006-04-19 22:33:52

Post by jocke »

Hehe, how could I miss that. Thanks a lot! :)
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