Cuando configuro las opciones del proxy para obtener los datos de las pelis me sale el siguiente error
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied. )
alguien tiene alguna idea, yo utilizo el puerto 8080
Script download failed: Proxy Authentication Required
fisrt of all sorry my english
Yes I fill username and password fields, the usually configuration to navigate trough the proxy, name of the proxy server or ip address, port 8080, username and password, and nothing i also try with another port: 80, 4700 but it doesnt work
this happends whit anothers collectors example moviecollectorz
Yes I fill username and password fields, the usually configuration to navigate trough the proxy, name of the proxy server or ip address, port 8080, username and password, and nothing i also try with another port: 80, 4700 but it doesnt work
this happends whit anothers collectors example moviecollectorz