Need help with PostPage

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Joined: 2005-11-26 17:44:53

Need help with PostPage

Post by Dash »

Hi everybody,

first: I am pretty new to scripting, but learned a lot by looking at other scripts so far.

What I am currently trying to do, ist getting the search result page from here:

After finding this line

Code: Select all

<form method=post action="">
on the page, I figure that I need to use the PostPage funtion.

I used this

Code: Select all

page := PostPage(searchpage, moviename);

Code: Select all

moviename := GetField(fieldOriginaltitle);
searchpage = '';
in my Script, but somehow it ain't working. I don't know if I am missing a referer or something or doing something wrong, but if someone would be so kind and take a look at it, I would be really thankful.

Greets, Dash
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Post by antp »

The param values must bu URL-Encoded and you have to provide also the param name.
So the params must at least content
params := URLEncode('str=' + moviename)
And maybe also these hidden fields:
<input type=hidden name=orderby value=name>
<input type=hidden name=order value=1>
<input type=hidden name=category value=filme>
<input type=hidden name=typ value=sres>
params := URLEncode('str=' + moviename + '&orderby=name&order=1&category=filme&typ=sres')
Posts: 4
Joined: 2005-11-26 17:44:53

Post by Dash »

Just took a closer look at downloaded page. It works correctly. It seems, it's just a bug with the ShowMessage function.

Thanks again.

Thanks for the quick answer. It almost did the trick.

If I use

Code: Select all

C:\wget>wget "" --post-data=str="minority&orderby=name&order=1&category=filme&typ=sres"
it works all fine, but

Code: Select all

  moviename := GetField(fieldOriginaltitle);
  params := URLEncode('str=' + moviename + '&orderby=name&order=1&category=filme&typ=sres');
gives me

Code: Select all

It is missing all the "&". Then it should work fine.
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Posts: 9651
Joined: 2002-05-30 10:13:07
Location: Brussels

Post by antp »

Dash wrote: Just took a closer look at downloaded page. It works correctly. It seems, it's just a bug with the ShowMessage function.
Actually in Windows the & is used to indicate a keyboard shortcut, and so the letter that follows it is underlined. E.g. menu "File" is labelled "&File" actually.
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