Version 3.5 - Final version released
rc7 version released, I hope it's the last one (each time people find bugs )
- CSV import now imports picture like divxmanager/EMM import (it asks if you want to store them, copy them or link them)
- Help file updated (both English and French)
- Changed again some shortcuts
- Few other small things fixed,
Remaining before final versions:
- Fix bugs that users will discover in rc7
- wait for translation updates, and update the remaining ones so they work with v3.5 even if parts are still in English
- finish to convert scripts
For these two last points, if you want to help you're welcome
For the translation, please contact me before doing anything since somebody may already be working on it.
- CSV import now imports picture like divxmanager/EMM import (it asks if you want to store them, copy them or link them)
- Help file updated (both English and French)
- Changed again some shortcuts
- Few other small things fixed,
Remaining before final versions:
- Fix bugs that users will discover in rc7
- wait for translation updates, and update the remaining ones so they work with v3.5 even if parts are still in English
- finish to convert scripts
For these two last points, if you want to help you're welcome
For the translation, please contact me before doing anything since somebody may already be working on it.
Yes : one window that I forgot to translate, and that has 3 buttons in rc7 instead of 2 buttons in rc5/6
And right now I see that the translation of this window does not work very well anyway
And I also see that I damaged some translation file.
Well, I re-upload a corrected version
Code: Select all
;* Import a picture by drag & drop *
Caption=Import a picture
CBDoNotAsk.Caption=Do not ask again, remember my selection for future importations
And I also see that I damaged some translation file.
Well, I re-upload a corrected version
No, not for 3.5
It was the "version 4 / complete rewrite" that had build-in unicode support, but I stopped this project to continue with version 3.
I'll continue to improve this version 3 which will evolve to a version 4 as next major version. I hope that I'll be able to add unicode in that version, but :
- printing engine won't support it
- I am not sure that the scripting engine can handle WideStrings, but it may work with UTF8 strings.
It was the "version 4 / complete rewrite" that had build-in unicode support, but I stopped this project to continue with version 3.
I'll continue to improve this version 3 which will evolve to a version 4 as next major version. I hope that I'll be able to add unicode in that version, but :
- printing engine won't support it
- I am not sure that the scripting engine can handle WideStrings, but it may work with UTF8 strings.
the german users may wanna know that the translation is about 40% complete, and I hope it will be finished until the next rc so I can get a little feedback from you guys. but nevertheless, it will be availabe for download when the plain translation work is finished.
@ antoine:
the only suitable german translation doesn't fit in the "find" window (checkbox upper right, see above). is it possible to stretch it a bit (about 3 characters wide)?
So, jetzt muss ich auch mal ein bischen deutsch quatschen, die belgier und franzosen reden ja auch nur französich. sehr unhöflich...
@ antoine:
Code: Select all
ActionFindWholeField.Caption=&Whole field only
So, jetzt muss ich auch mal ein bischen deutsch quatschen, die belgier und franzosen reden ja auch nur französich. sehr unhöflich...
OK, I'll make that a little wrote:the only suitable german translation doesn't fit in the "find" window (checkbox upper right, see above). is it possible to stretch it a bit (about 3 characters wide)?Code: Select all
ActionFindWholeField.Caption=&Whole field only
And here we go:
The german translation is finished
Die Deutsche Übersetzung für AMC 3.0.5 RC7 ist fertig. Die Shortcuts sind aber noch nicht üerarbeitet. Ich versuche das noch bis zum offiziellen release zu machen.
Bitte sendet mir alles feedback dass ihr dazu habt (schreibfehler, string abgeschnitten usw.) damit das möglichst schnell und bis zum release so weit wie möglich perfektioniert werden kann.
Download: (11KB)
The german translation is finished
Die Deutsche Übersetzung für AMC 3.0.5 RC7 ist fertig. Die Shortcuts sind aber noch nicht üerarbeitet. Ich versuche das noch bis zum offiziellen release zu machen.
Bitte sendet mir alles feedback dass ihr dazu habt (schreibfehler, string abgeschnitten usw.) damit das möglichst schnell und bis zum release so weit wie möglich perfektioniert werden kann.
Download: (11KB)
ce que je veux dire, c'est par exemple mettre un pti menu déroulant (ou une case blanche à remplire) ds la fenetre sélection du film. Le but c'est de mettre dans ce menu ou cette case le nbre de fois qu'on veut qu'un numéro de film apparaissent. Par exemple si je veux 6 numéro 20, je rentre 6 et hop pa miracle g 6 fiches de film vierge qui apparaissent avec le num 20.Anonymous wrote:^Heu par contre c'est un peu chercher la petite bete, mais serait il possible par exemple si je veux ajouter 5 fois le numéro 167, au lieu de le faire 5 fois manuellement que ça m'ajoute les 5 automatiquement. Si c'est pas trop chiant à faire ça serait sympa
Voila c ça l'idée