Please do you requests for new scripts for new sites in this topic rather than create a new one each time.
There is no garantee of result : if someone wants to make one of the requested script, he can do it and he is welcome, but I won't personnally make new scripts on request (I already have too few time for working on the program).
If you make a new script, it is better to create a new topic for it and (if you want) post a link to this topic here rather than directly put the script here, to keep this topic readable.
A note for french users :
Pour toute discussion en français, merci d'utiliser l'autre topic.
There is no garantee of result : if someone wants to make one of the requested script, he can do it and he is welcome, but I won't personnally make new scripts on request (I already have too few time for working on the program).
If you make a new script, it is better to create a new topic for it and (if you want) post a link to this topic here rather than directly put the script here, to keep this topic readable.
A note for french users :
Pour toute discussion en français, merci d'utiliser l'autre topic.
Last edited by antp on 2010-10-11 10:02:23, edited 5 times in total.
Replace ShareReactor (RU) (large pic).ifs from string #82http://sharereactor.ru/
dont work good
Code: Select all
// Original Title & TranslatedTitle & Year
LineNr := FindLine(' ', Page, 0); //Ïîèñê èìåíè ôèëüìà ÐÓÑ
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
if LineNr > -1 then
BeginPos := pos('<H1>', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
BeginPos := BeginPos + 4;
EndPos := pos('</H1>', Line);
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos+1 );
SetField(fieldTranslatedTitle, Value);
Code: Select all
LineNr := FindLine(' ', Page, LineNr+1); //Æàíð
Line := Page.GetString(LineNr);
if LineNr > -1 then
BeginPos := pos('("', Line);
if BeginPos > 0 then
BeginPos := BeginPos + 2;
EndPos := pos('")', Line)-1;
Value := copy(Line, BeginPos, EndPos - BeginPos+1 );
SetField(fieldCategory, Value);
p.s. (String number maybe is different from your file and me)
picture from this script not downloadedhttp://sharereactor.ru/
dont work good
thanx for fix "category" and "name"
Automatic update from all films, without having to click for each movie.
and getting the data from the given url:
instead of
// analyzePage('http://imdb.com/find?more=tt;q='+UrlEncode(MovieName));
is that possible ?
and getting the data from the given url:
instead of
// analyzePage('http://imdb.com/find?more=tt;q='+UrlEncode(MovieName));
is that possible ?
Well, when i select 1000 movies, and press F6, select IMDB script and only select RATING in the Modifiable fields, i still have to press ENTER for each movie. BUt every movie has already the correct url, and because
instead of
// analyzePage('http://imdb.com/find?more=tt;q='+UrlEncode(MovieName));
doesnt seem to work anymore, because it is old script, i have to manually click for every movie OK, and get the selection of possible movies and because choosing batchmode 1 sometimes chooses the wrong movie.
In 3.4.3 i just replaced the line with AnalyzePage(GetField(fieldURL)); and it went trough the complete list without having to click all the time.
And i dont know what to change so it would work in 3.5.0 beta 3
And using the old one isnt an option, because i want it for the comma eg. 7.1 rating.
instead of
// analyzePage('http://imdb.com/find?more=tt;q='+UrlEncode(MovieName));
doesnt seem to work anymore, because it is old script, i have to manually click for every movie OK, and get the selection of possible movies and because choosing batchmode 1 sometimes chooses the wrong movie.
In 3.4.3 i just replaced the line with AnalyzePage(GetField(fieldURL)); and it went trough the complete list without having to click all the time.
And i dont know what to change so it would work in 3.5.0 beta 3
And using the old one isnt an option, because i want it for the comma eg. 7.1 rating.
You can simply modify IMDB script like this:
and set batchmode to 1
Code: Select all
// ***** beginning of the program *****
if CheckVersion(3,5,0) then
MovieName := GetField(fieldURL);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
if MovieName = '' then
MovieName := GetField(fieldTranslatedTitle);
if GetOption('BatchMode') = 0 then
Hi, is someone here who has time to update script for www.allmove.com for AMC v3.5.
Its a great site!
I try with the toll called "ScriptConverter" posted in other topic. The script works but not perfectly. Some fields are messed up.
Thank you.
Its a great site!
I try with the toll called "ScriptConverter" posted in other topic. The script works but not perfectly. Some fields are messed up.
Thank you.
ouch, forgot to login and made a mistake about the name of the site.
Its www.allmovie.com of course.
Its www.allmovie.com of course.
REQ: some anime database script
i saw someone already requested an EN anime database script and i'd like to back him up
would be useful to hundreds of people!
would be useful to hundreds of people!
[REQ] [ES] http://www.cineol.net
Someone (spanish people) can make a script from this page?
[DE] www.cinema.msn.de
Hat jemand Lust und Zeit ein Script für www.cinema.msn.de zu erstellen?
Could someone do a Script für www.cinema.msn.de, please?
Could someone do a Script für www.cinema.msn.de, please?