[REQ] [ES] http://www.cineol.net
[REQ] [ES] http://www.cineol.net
Someone (spanish people) can make a script from this page?
i saw that site.
i think no one will be able to help you
normally searchpage result can be a webpage like www.aaa.com/search=total+recall...... (imagine u seach "total recall") and this page can be converted (in script it's used this link changing total+recall with titles)
this website uses a PHP page so we dont have a way to put a request in the link.
this is what i have understood of these scripts...
i think no one will be able to help you
normally searchpage result can be a webpage like www.aaa.com/search=total+recall...... (imagine u seach "total recall") and this page can be converted (in script it's used this link changing total+recall with titles)
this website uses a PHP page so we dont have a way to put a request in the link.
this is what i have understood of these scripts...