Change number...

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Change number...

Post by kinetix »

Let's say that I want to change the number of a movie (call it A).
But the number is occupied by another movie (call it B).

As I see it now, I must first change the number of B, before I can change the number of A.

It would be really cool to see a feature that does this on auto.
I mean, that changes the number of B (to a free number) at the moment I change the number of A....

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Post by antp »

Sure, it would be a nice idea... I'll write it on my list for next version (or later)

Post by Guest »

But how to change a single number without use a "Renumber" option in tools menu? Could you help mi? I can't find out what to do this. Thnx
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Post by antp »

Using menu Movie -> Change number (or press F2)
By the way, in version 3.5 rc5 the feature suggested above has been added.
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