Scripting is not Auto Closing in 3.5rc5

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Scripting is not Auto Closing in 3.5rc5

Post by lepus »

Hi just wont to say I just tried the new 3.5RC and I like it a lot. There is just one thing that I noticed right off the bat with this program that dose not work like in 3.4.3. First of all I put all my movies in to CD books or folders the 280 size ones, and ill put them all in at one time so they are numbered or anabaptized in order for that book.

So the one thing that I can see that has changed for 3.4.3 is this. When you run the script to get your information from IMDB that all works great even the auto running of the script works even the entering of the title works great it pops up like it should. But after you get all the info you need and you select the movie that you won’t and hit OK, it dose it’s thing but it dose not close the scripting box at all when it’s done. You have to close the box manually when it’s done so that you can move on to the next number.

From what I can tell I could be wrong but the CLOSE THIS WINDOW AT THE END doses not work at all. Every thing ells in the Execution options seems to work.

Now I do have that checked is there some thing that I’m doing wrong?
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Post by antp »

When you say "ou have to close the box manually when it’s done so that you can move on to the next number.", you mean the results window or the script selection window ?
The option "close at end" is for the scripting window, it is closed when all movies were processed unless you click "abort".
For me it works fine...
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Joined: 2004-10-17 18:02:29

Post by lepus »

Ok ill go through this step by step so that you can get the error that I get.

1. Set up under Preferences under “Scripting” I have Auto-run last script used with get information from script “CHECKED”
2. In the scripting box Under Execution Options “I have close this widow at end checked and that’s the only one checked
3. I do ALT+Inset to get a new movie spot or number
4. I can right click to get the “get information box to pop up, I then I choose from internet using a script.” BUT I JUST HIT F6 this is much faster.
5. Now you should have the scripting window with the IMDB import window in front of you.
6. Type in the name of the movie that you won’t to look for “Species” or what ever you won’t. “hit OK”
7. Now you have your movie selection in front of you “select the movie you wont and hit “OK”
8. Now if there is a choice of description a Description Selection box should be in front of you. Choose what description you wont for your movie and hit “OK”

At this point the scripting box is still on the screen and you have to hit CLOSE button in order to move on to the next movie or entry. I hope this helps you in finding the error all I know is in 3.4.3 the scripting box closes its self when you are done and its much shorter.

In 3.4.3 all I do for a new movie is this alt+insert, F6, Enter the name of the movie, select the movie, and hit OK I’m done. Its seems that 3.5RC is not that simple there are way to many mouse clicks.

By the way can you make a script for NETFLICK and Blockbuster??????
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Post by antp »

OK, I see it.
This is a bug, probably related to the fact that you asked to now show results window: I never tried with this option disabled I think.
With the results window, when you click "Save" it also closes the script window (like in version 3.4.3).
There are no more mouse clicks in 3.5 than in 3.4.3... when everything works :D
I'll correct that in next RC, I'll try to do that before the end of this weekend ;)

About other scripts, I do not have time to make them, sorry. You'll have to either wait that somebody makes it, or try to make it yourself :D
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Joined: 2004-10-17 18:02:29

Post by lepus »

antp Thanks for tha fast reply on this you have a great program. and i glade i found that error for you.
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