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by enriquevagu
2005-09-22 22:18:55
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REL][ES] Script Yahoo Cinema ES actualizado - updated
Replies: 2
Views: 1268

[REL][ES] Script Yahoo Cinema ES actualizado - updated

Buenas, He hecho unos cambios menores al script de Yahoo Cinema ES. Con esta versión: · Se obtiene la imagen, que se había perdido por un cambio menor en la página · Se puede especificar con una opción que el script NO descargue la duración de la película (que ya lo consigue Mediainfo) · No busca po...
by enriquevagu
2005-06-21 23:32:28
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [REL][ES] Updated Carteles-Metropoli - actualización
Replies: 1
Views: 917

[REL][ES] Updated Carteles-Metropoli - actualización

Hi, I have updated the script for carteles-metropoli, to work with the new page format. The new script is below. I have also added some options to the script (you can select the image, or have it selected automatically, mainly). You might be interested in it, as the page contains many many movies, a...
by enriquevagu
2005-05-10 15:50:11
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Help to program thumbnail index html template
Replies: 2
Views: 2196

it works!!

I can't program CSS, but I have found some tutorial in the web, and it works. As soon as I program the template, I will post it to the forum.


by enriquevagu
2005-05-10 10:22:41
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Help to program thumbnail index html template
Replies: 2
Views: 2196

Help to program thumbnail index html template

Hi everyone! I would like to make the following template: Full: A table containing thumbnails of the poster of the movies (with a reasonable size, so that it can be clearly seen) and the title below it. Both of them are links to the individual movie. Individual: The whole data for the movie. I think...
by enriquevagu
2005-03-29 21:59:39
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [MOD] Bug in Yahoo Cinema (ES).ifs - Solved here
Replies: 5
Views: 2284

[MOD] Bug in Yahoo Cinema (ES).ifs - Solved here

When reading some movies data, the spanish script from Yahoo! page gets "blocked", just try searching for "Los increíbles" (The Incredibles). The problem is in the "Calificación" field, which is taken from the number of coloured stars (from 0 to 5) in the Yahoo Page. Th...