Search found 4 matches

by El Ga
2002-12-06 17:44:47
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Report Designer
Replies: 2
Views: 2180

it's OK...

I'll try to adapt the template.

Thanks anyway for ALL... Keep it up!! :grinking:

by El Ga
2002-12-06 14:21:35
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Report Designer
Replies: 2
Views: 2180

Report Designer

Hi... I just wanted to ask if you looked into that small problem with the Report Designer, where the option to rotate something 180º doesn't work. We talked about it a few months ago (I think), and you said you'd look into it when you'd have some time... I'd like to know if there's any chance to mak...
by El Ga
2002-10-15 00:55:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Could you fix the bug in the Report Designer ??
Replies: 3
Views: 2395


Is there any way I can help you???

I'm no programer, but I have a lot of friends who can be of assistance...

Please let me know if I can help...

Good Luck!!!


ICQ: 8958373
by El Ga
2002-10-14 21:21:59
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Bug reports
Topic: Could you fix the bug in the Report Designer ??
Replies: 3
Views: 2395

Could you fix the bug in the Report Designer ??

Hi, Antoine... (I hope I spell that right) Remember we discussed about the 180º option NOT working in the Report Designer?? Well... were you able to fix this little thing.... It's really an issue for me, and it'll be great to have this option working.... Thanks a lot for this magnificent program!!! ...