Search found 14 matches

by Archange
2010-04-20 12:22:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Adding new movies to the template
Replies: 2
Views: 2757

D'accord merci et désolé pour avoir posté au mauvais endroit.

by Archange
2010-04-19 22:46:18
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: Adding new movies to the template
Replies: 2
Views: 2757

Adding new movies to the template

Thanks for the templace 2.22 , it's working great. I have a small question. When we add a new movie, the movie places itself in the self alphabetly but your template sort the movie with numbers. If I renumber my movie, do I have to upload my new movie *.jpg again ?? how does it work ? Cause if I wan...
by Archange
2010-04-19 22:41:35
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: MPAA Rating
Replies: 6
Views: 3749

2.22 oui mais j'ai résolu l'affaire dans l'autre thread désolé je débute sur le forum. Je m'adresse pas au bon endroit :P

by Archange
2010-04-19 02:24:59
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Bon j'ai réussit dans l'ensemble a avoir ce que je voulais. J'ai du edité le script pour qu'il fonctionne comme je veut. J'utilise IMDB.ifs et Update.ifs. Je recoit tous les infos que j'ai besoin. Par contre, je dois me limité a des entrées en anglais seulement. Je ne peut fiare parvenir d'infos sur...
by Archange
2010-04-18 12:53:04
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Parfait merci, j'essaye ca aujourd'hui.

J'ai une autre colle...y-a-t-il un parametre pour le champ "Resolution" ? je trouve rien dans les scripts.

Et aussi les champs Video Format et Audio Format ne sont pas dans les options des scripts...enfin, j'ai pas trouver encore.

Merci bien ! :)
by Archange
2010-04-17 13:24:19
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Ok I've made the modification you suggested and it works ! but now I have another issue, when I make my query with IMDB, a windows opens with a multitude choices to select a movie. I must choose the right movie in the list so that the script may that normal ? Thanks for the help, it's a...
by Archange
2010-04-16 21:39:24
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: MPAA Rating
Replies: 6
Views: 3749

yes I know but no one was answering so I tried with you. Sorry again. I'm new here and also french guy :P I try to understand everything.

by Archange
2010-04-16 21:38:01
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Okay, I have changed the line successfully. Save the file. Then I double clicked the classification, changed it to 1. Double clicked on MPAA and put it to 1 cause it was at 0. unchecked everything exept Media Label and nothing happened. Successfully selected my movie title and the script downloaded ...
by Archange
2010-04-16 20:02:26
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: MPAA Rating
Replies: 6
Views: 3749

OK for the first part, I sent a reply with question to the person cause I don't fully understand yet.

second part is ok. What I did is to add my own ones for the category I see only mine.

Merci....Thanks I will now try to retreive those mpaa infos tsssss :P

by Archange
2010-04-16 19:58:46
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Ouff ! Beginner's nightmare.... okay, what I want to do is : I want the script to take the mpaa infos (only) and transferes it in the MediaLabel of each of my films. I have looked inside the IMDB.ifs file with "Editor" and looks like a noodle soup to me. The line you want me to change is i...
by Archange
2010-04-16 17:23:17
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: [FR] Listes déroulantes [résolu]
Replies: 3
Views: 1598

Bonjour, j'essaye d'effacer certain item dans la menu déroulant des catégories car il y en as en anglais. Aucunes options n'est disponible. Dans options préférences ont donnent le choix d'En rajouter mais pas d'en effacer. Auriez-vous un truc pour le faire ?

by Archange
2010-04-16 17:19:18
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

Sorry, my mistake, I have two UPDATE script in the list...don't know why but the one you guys talk about is working. The other one is not.


Still trying to find a way to import mpaa infos from anywhere to add to amc.

No one is responding !

Sorry again.
by Archange
2010-04-16 01:01:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Help
Topic: No movie found using imdb script FOUND SOLUTION
Replies: 14
Views: 5235

The script UPDATE does not work at all. I get an error message. I have the latest version of AMC.
by Archange
2010-04-15 12:40:37
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Templates
Topic: MPAA Rating
Replies: 6
Views: 3749

MPAA Rating

Hi all, I have installed the dynamic template, everything is working great. I need help with customizing. I saw, in your demo page, that you can see the MPAA Rating (G, PG-13, PG, R). I want to display that on my page. How can I do that ? in my AMC program, I don't have a section for this. Second, i...