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by t0mall
2009-07-20 09:02:28
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: POLAND site SCRIPTs
Replies: 776
Views: 303761

zralek wrote:They are changing Filmweb website a lot. Something what I was changing few days ago now I have to change again.
This version is solving t0mall problem.
But probably they are going to change Filmweb website again.
Thank you worked.
by t0mall
2009-07-19 15:47:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: POLAND site SCRIPTs
Replies: 776
Views: 303761

Mam problem z nowym scryptem do filmweb.
Po wybraniu opcji Pobierz informacje i wybraniu filmweb program zaczyna pobierac dane i zatrzymuje się.
Co może byc przyczyną?
Może coś ze stroną filmweba jest nie tak