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by fidi_gz
2007-07-23 23:53:00
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: New translation for AMC: Galician language
Replies: 3
Views: 2951

You're right, that's the Galicia's flag.

I have just sent to you an email having the translation file.

I hope all works fine. :grinking:
by fidi_gz
2007-07-23 20:28:59
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Mods
Topic: New translation for AMC: Galician language
Replies: 3
Views: 2951

New translation for AMC: Galician language

Hi, I have just finished the translation into galician for Ant Movie Catalog (AMC). But now, what I have to do to share with all who want it? I would like this translation appear in the following releases of the program, what I have to do to this happend? Another thing, I don't know how to put the f...