Search found 22 matches

by dwayne2005
2007-09-28 16:20:15
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462 Some film titles are found under rather than, this encompasses those. With that URL, you should get all of the films I failed to find. -inurl:pro This omits all pro entries in the below searches. Since Google processes just the first 32 words i...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-28 08:12:38
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

The */combined bit is a bit of a problem. I can detect more of them (The Witches, ReAnimator, but not To Hell and Back) using inurl:combined . Maybe negating inurl values will also yield better results, To Hell and Back for instance registers as an ordinary page, if you can negate the branch offs wi...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-28 07:28:09
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

You're right, too; this at best will not replace the IMDb results. IMDb makes at most half of the errors. O (Othello) ["Othello"; wrong version] Guru [wrong version] The Marrying Man (Too Hot To Handle) ["Too Hot to Handle"] House of Sand and Fog ["Fog"] Star Trek: The ...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-28 06:08:38
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I took a random assortment of 208 films, cancelled through the searching and found it reached 140. 5 of those titles I should have adapted from the IMDB titles, so I just omitted them. 135 films 13 Major or confusing errors Major/confusing errors -A Patch of Blue [Repulsion; not found in results] -D...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-27 11:21:52
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I'll wait until you're ready with a version, or tomorrow when I can work on it again. Thanks once again for your time!!

(BTW, wasn't in batch but I'd like to try out batch with your mods. No wait, it was in batch... but 1 time wasn't. :/)
by dwayne2005
2007-09-27 11:03:55
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I am not sure, but will give it a more thorough look into. :wink:

You're right, I appended to 3.20. I didn't try with your adjusted one because I had problems with that, but I'll go give it a shot. :)

EDIT: No luck. :/ Same error.
by dwayne2005
2007-09-27 10:32:15
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

AnalyzeGooglesResultsPage('*/combined+' + UrlEncode(MovieName)) AnalyzeGooglesResultsPage('*/combined+%22' + UrlEncode(MovieName) + '%22') That's what I changed, but I ...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-27 08:46:42
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

Just been looking into more of Google's search features, came up with nothing. Wildcards do work on urls, though, but just once it seems. A Google search like this:*/combined batman Gets rid of that problem with the findings of Batman Returns and Superman: Man of Steel using...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-27 06:29:31
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I had errors with your beta script and might give up, and just make do. I was thinking Google have a wildcard for search criteria, but it's only for words using an asterix. I thought maybe you could have a "Batman (*)" but that doesn't seem to work. Wonder if you can force IMDB to include ...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-26 08:39:09
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

Thanks bad4u for going to the effort for me anyway, I haven't tried it out yet but I just got hold of some films I'd like to try out. I notice you capitalised the `b' in the `beta' bit in the url, but I found it in the end. :grinking:
by dwayne2005
2007-09-22 05:09:02
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

Well I batch converted almost a thousand movies and I beg to differ, but anyway I would like to make the amendments to my own version of the script if you can help provide me the alterations. I want to recommend AMC to other people with large collections, but the strange IMDB search results has disc...
by dwayne2005
2007-09-21 13:06:52
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

bad4u, did you ever implement my Google search recommendations? I gave up waiting. The +maindetails bit doesn't work, you have to put something from the main page. The +maindetails method has about a 10% error rate, whilst an indication to the text identifier on the films main page will give you an ...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-12 08:19:22
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

From the looks of it, the maindetails add on doesn't work very well, it messed up several of my new entries (7/21 this week)...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-09 03:40:48
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

Bad4u, I am very satisfied with the Google sort feature in my batch conversions for one specific reason: to avoid those weird titles that would come up. I did use exact quotations for that, though. But I think it's debatable about which is better. And of course, as you've mentioned there are other b...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-04 07:40:56
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request A rare occurence, but it's due Google finding the entry to another page, like /movieconnections. But there is another page, also, with a URL of /maindetails [EDIT: sorry, don't know why I put /usercomments :hum: ] and it appears identical to the non-/m...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-02 20:20:21
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I downloaded the 884 listed in my old DVD Profiler profile (I still have to add 87 manually), 79 have failed to locate using the exact search criteria. I did encounter a few wayward titles, but the exact quotation search at least made it obvious what they were. The only exception was when I found a ...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-02 01:23:02
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I spent an hour at trying to redo the rating values in your script, but failed miserably. That's simple. Go to the "Rating" part of the script and change Value := TextBetween(PageText, '<b>User Rating:</b>', '<br/>'); Value := TextBetween(Value, '<b>', '/'); to Value := GetPage(MovieURL +...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-01 21:05:42
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

I would like to get arithmetic averages instead main page weighted averages from IMDB. Which arithmetic averages are you talking about ? User ratings ? IMDB uses a formula for their ratings, so it's not precisely the way people vote. I find it unfair on lesser seen films, and often quite misreprese...
by dwayne2005
2007-07-01 16:45:45
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

... Unfortunately, I suspect this may take a day or so with all the interruptions I expect... No need to hurry ...Maybe I'm better off learning whatever scripting language is used in AMC ... Always a good idea ;) I'm putting it on hold until I can learn a little about the language. I would like to ...
by dwayne2005
2007-06-30 23:09:41
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: IMDB script problem
Replies: 120
Views: 31462

Never used that before, but Google might be sufficient, easier to do, and more reliable than IMDB is at present. :/ I added a "GoogleSearch" option to the script, so that users can choose between IMDB website's search and Google's search on IMDB. I don't think Google's search is more accu...