Search found 11 matches

by JanC
2005-05-08 17:28:13
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [UPD] [NL]
Replies: 112
Views: 29658

Thanks! :)
by JanC
2005-05-08 16:52:39
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: [UPD] [NL]
Replies: 112
Views: 29658

To the people who have rewritten my script: thanks. Like I wrote to some people who e-mailed me: I use Linux (Ubuntu) almost full-time now and I can't use AMC there, so updating the script would have been a bit difficult for me now. :p One request: can my e-mail address be removed from the script? P...
by JanC
2004-04-17 18:50:05
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

Problem solved (his firewall was blocking Ant Movie Catalog ;) ).

Tested with lots of movies now, so it seems like the the script is good enough to be included in the next version of AMC.
by JanC
2004-04-17 16:29:11
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

It doesn't matter waht movie I am searching for ( Never been kissed, Shallow Hal etc.) I get every time pop up window that: There is no result for "movie". I tested with "Never been kissed" and it works for me. Do other scripts (for other sites) work without problems? Also, if y...
by JanC
2004-04-16 14:24:58
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

I have try to test it, but only message what I get is: There is no result for "movie". I am using 3.4.3 version. What movie did you search for (is it on that site?). BTW: you didn't forget to unzip the zipfile above and copy the .ifs file inside it in the amc\Scripts directory? ;) Is it p...
by JanC
2004-04-15 22:46:22
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

Anonymous wrote:No I have to do all the movies over again, your fault !
Well, that sounds like a good test for the script... :wink:
by JanC
2004-04-11 10:54:46
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

:hum: Oops.
That's what happens when you stay up all night... :/

The link should work now.
by JanC
2004-04-11 05:32:23
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: error in
Replies: 10
Views: 2596

new script

I have a new script and I'm looking for testers:
(please put comments in the new thread)
by JanC
2004-04-11 05:29:46
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: new script
Replies: 11
Views: 2450

new script

The people at have added support for GET requests (maybe because they wanted to make a Mycroft search plugin for Mozilla--that's how I found this alternative search method for their site). So, I made a new MovieMeter script tonight. :) You can find it here:
by JanC
2003-09-20 12:28:39
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: error in
Replies: 10
Views: 2596

It doesn't work with GET... :/

Seems like you know what's wrong with PostPage() and I don't have to send you the details then?

Anyway, thanks for making AMC and for those who use the moviemeter script: let's hope AMC4 doesn't take too long anymore... ;)
by JanC
2003-09-19 12:52:22
Forum: Ant Movie Catalog > Scripts
Topic: error in
Replies: 10
Views: 2596

I wrote the original MovieMeter script and I have looked at the new site, but there is a bug in the PostPage() script function, and GetPage() doesn't work with that site. :(

I'll make a more detailed bug report for Antoine when I have the time (maybe next week).