Help catalog missing?

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Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

My catalog that was updated yesterday, and almost daily index four or five movies a day. Today mysteriously it has disappeared. The last film added is March 18.
The question is: can the lost movies be recovered in any way?
I've been using ANT MOVIE CATALOG for years and it's the first time something like this has happened to me.
Everything is very strange.
I would appreciate it if you please help me.
Thank you very much and greetings to all
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

The catalog is just a file on your computer, like any other file.
Where was it saved? (which folder)
Are you sure it was not accidentally moved to another folder by mistake? (accidental drag & drop)
In the folder where your catalog normally is/was, is there a .bak file? If so you can rename that one to .amc to retrieve the previous state of your catalog.
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

From the additional details received via private message (why not here?), didn't you use the "system restore" function of Windows to go back to a previous config point?
If the catalog was not in a document folder but somewhere with programs data/files, maybe Windows considered it should be restored too...
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-05-03 16:20:54 From the additional details received via private message (why not here?), didn't you use the "system restore" function of Windows to go back to a previous config point?
If the catalog was not in a document folder but somewhere with programs data/files, maybe Windows considered it should be restored too...
Where the program is installed there is no bak file. This when fixing my PC was without bak file, before I had it in program files (where the program is) and in the shortcut.
Now the program (exe) is in program files, next to the templates, and the AMC, without the bak.

It is a pity. I work a lot, and it's my passion, I have 7 thousand movie titles that I modify, add and delete, I add details, personal comments. In short, I live by and for my films.
Thank you very much and greetings.
guillermo o masterchipo
PS I really appreciate your help
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

The .bak should be where the catalog was: when saving, the program renames the existing file to .bak and creates a new .amc
If you put the .amc file in Program Files, it may be the reason why you encounter problems...
Data should go either in ProgramData folder, in Documents, or any other drive. But since Windows Vista the access rights to Program Files folder is limited.
To go around non compatible programs, Windows uses what is called "Virtual Store": it puts there the files that the programs try to write in Program Files.
Maybe that's what happened in your case, especially if at some point you did changes in UAC settings.
You can check the virtual store by going to C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore (where "<you>" is your username folder), check in the subfolders you may find there.
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-05-03 17:42:18 The .bak should be where the catalog was: when saving, the program renames the existing file to .bak and creates a new .amc
If you put the .amc file in Program Files, it may be the reason why you encounter problems...
Data should go either in ProgramData folder, in Documents, or any other drive. But since Windows Vista the access rights to Program Files folder is limited.
To go around non compatible programs, Windows uses what is called "Virtual Store": it puts there the files that the programs try to write in Program Files.
Maybe that's what happened in your case, especially if at some point you did changes in UAC settings.
You can check the virtual store by going to C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore (where "<you>" is your username folder), check in the subfolders you may find there.
That is exactly what happened, my friend. I modified the UAC, because I have a Media Player, Zappiti that my daughter bought me in Paris (she lives there), and this media player communicates with the cloud and for several days there was no connection to the cloud. I modified the UAC, I removed the firewall from Windows 7 and that may be the root of the problem generated.
Thanks antp, and a hug
PS I do not think I can repair it, but I'll try. I can not find that virtual store
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :grinking: :grinking:
You are a genius, the amc file was in the appdata virtual store.
I found it and solved everything. Due to his help I was able to solve this problem that brought me many inconveniences.
Thanks once again
guillermo o mastechipo
I still need to know how to create the bak file.
Before it was created by itself
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

Nice :)
About the .bak file, it should be created automatically when you save the catalog, except if you unchecked the option "Always create a backup copy" in Tools -> Preferences -> Files
(I should have named that "Always keep a backup copy" rather than "create", it would be more accurate of what it does)
Though that with the UAC I'm not sure how it will behave, maybe it would be better to put the catalog elsewhere (and backup it from time to time ;) )
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-05-03 20:34:03 Nice :)
About the .bak file, it should be created automatically when you save the catalog, except if you unchecked the option "Always create a backup copy" in Tools -> Preferences -> Files
(I should have named that "Always keep a backup copy" rather than "create", it would be more accurate of what it does)
Though that with the UAC I'm not sure how it will behave, maybe it would be better to put the catalog elsewhere (and backup it from time to time ;) )
I can not find where it is: Always create a backup 'in Tools -> Preferences -> Files.
I can not find it. Is it in the ANT MOVIE CATALOG program or in Windows 7?
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

In the program, there is a menu File / Display / Movie / Tools / Help, you find "Preferences" under "Tools".
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-05-04 07:19:55 In the program, there is a menu File / Display / Movie / Tools / Help, you find "Preferences" under "Tools".
I understand what you say.
But in preferences there is no .bak box to mark or unmark.
I have reviewed the entire program. Tools, preferences and everything that contains the preferences sector and does not exist in the 4.2.2 version of Ant Movie Catalog that possibility. Maybe in previous versions it was because by default there was the .bak file.
Not now.

I edit. When translated into English, the box appeared and the .bak file was modified.
Thanks, it's fixed
Thanks a lot
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by antp »

Well indeed if you don't use the program in English I don't know the equivalent translation of "Always create a backup copy" that I mentioned :p
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Re: Help catalog missing?

Post by masterchipo »

antp wrote: 2018-05-04 20:47:51 Well indeed if you don't use the program in English I don't know the equivalent translation of "Always create a backup copy" that I mentioned :p
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :lol: :lol:
"Crear SIEMPRE copia de seguridad"
I can swear I was not in the Spanish program before.
When translating and putting preferred English language for translation, and there appears to always create backup files. And then pass it to Spanish, just there that tab was created to mark or unmark.
Gracias ya está todo solucionado
un abrazo amigo antp
guillermo o masterchipo
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